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Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Istanbul, Turkey
One of my piggies, Fudge, when being cuddled has started to do a kind of vibrating noise and she vibrates her body when doing it. Is this purring or a warning?
My boys both do this. Montomgery in particular just loves being petted. He tries to scale my legs to jump up for cuddles. He purrs and waggles his bum when I'm petting him. Simply adoreable. My girls on the otherhand dont like being petted much and Matilda is like a bucking brono when I take her out. She does like a chin tickle though!
your doing something right
becks purred when i stoked him from his head to his bottom was brill
none of my others do this bambi jumps all over me harry falls asleep jake does like a good chin rub ben licks my hand when being combe & oliver dont know as cant catch him he's the rascal:p

lucky you with a purrer xx
If it is a constant soft purr, it's a sign of enjoyment; a short sharp deep RRR means displeasure.
Aww how sweet a very happy piggy!

One of my boys do it too and he loves having a good old stroke. Everytime i stroke him he purrs and stretches out and yawns, he is so cute when he does it. :))
Yeah it's like a soft rumble sound. She is so loving and so easy to pick up and snuggles right in for cuddles and strokes.

Our other piggie, Cuddles, seemed to like being handled when we first got them - she always ran when I went to pick her up but recently she has got really shy again even on daily handling and she doesn't just settle and sit there anymore, what have we done wrong with her?
Purring is a good sign.... That is why I prefer guinea pigs to rabbits. They always let you know how they are feeling!
My piggies don't purr. They make small squealing noises. At first I thought they hated being touched. However, when I stroked them they didn't run off or head butt me. So now I just assume the noises they make are squeals of delight. It's very bizzare, because Mirtle sounds like I am murdering her, but if people came in they would see her really relaxed?!rolleyes
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