
when my piggies make that sound GRRRRRRRRR it means that they are disturbed. it can be for a sound or for a stroke. I see that online many owners think that a short GRRR means a sort of satisfaction, but I don't agree. My former piggie purred all day long when someone stroked him, but it was different and when he heard the neighbour opening the door he also started saying GRRRR. My piggies when are happy and relaxed and want to express satisfaction make a sweet gentle sound (difficult to explain)
I think certain noises vary from pig to pig.
We have one who makes a continual high pitched purring sound when she is being held by someone she likes (basically DD1), but another of our piggies only makes that sound when she is cross.
Basically to work it out you need to know your piggies quite well and look at their body language too - do they appear happy and relaxed, or do they look uncomfortable?
And I would like to give full credit for this knowledge to my daughter, she explained it to my with a demonstration involving 2 of our guinea pigs - Ruby and Oreo.
I agree it depends upon pig, all of mine it is/has been an angry 'sod off' prior to a teeth chattering. My little handsome devil makes what I can only describe as 'quock' noises when happy and if being stroked where he likes it he will just shove that part of his body into your hand.....
So I've seen many things saying purring is good, and many that say it's bad.

I just want too know what you guys thought! Thx!

There are several noises with different meanings that sound very similar to new owners. You have to take situational context and body language into context as well. In time you will learn the difference between them.

A short, sharp growl is a sign of displeasure. You hear it for instance when a door bangs or if a piggy doesn't want to be touched somewhere.

A regular rumbling sound, usually connected with bum wiggling is a mild dominance behaviour that is exhibited by both genders although it is more typical for boars.

An off and on purr, similar to cats in combination with a very relaxed body can have the same meaning as cat purring when you pet a piggy.

i hope that that helps you?

You will find some of the sounds correctly interpreted on this link here. Guinea Pig Sounds