Purring piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 9, 2011
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Hi everyone

Just a quick question about my two 12wk old girls. Over the last couple of days Truffle keeps making a really loud purring noise and chases Fudge around whilst doing it usually with her nose nearly touching her bum :)) they popcorn to but we were trying to work out what this means?

Are you sure they are both girls? Sounds like the "getting it on" noise my boar likes to make. Not sure if girls do it too?
Thanks for the info. Yep they are definitely girls they are 12 wks old now and seem to be getting on really well apart from an odd little tiff but I'm sure I would feel the same now and again if I was them lol! Haven't had any purring noises today just major squeaks at meal times and a litlle tug o war with the lettuce but other than that everything else is shared.
Thanks again for your help
it does sound like a romantic noise ") i'd check they're both girls, but girls do make that noise sometimes. it sounds like they're just asserting dominance and sorting the pecking order out. they might be starting to get abit hormonal ;)
Our sows do this, i'm led to believe its part of thier cycle and hormone changes.
My sows do the same sometimes, along with some rumblestrutting and mounting. It can be a sign of dominant behaviour, with mine it's pretty obviously tied to their heat cycles as it repeats every couple of weeks. One of my pigs had 'pig PMS'- she was a whole different animal for a few days out of the month!
My sows do the same sometimes, along with some rumblestrutting and mounting. It can be a sign of dominant behaviour, with mine it's pretty obviously tied to their heat cycles as it repeats every couple of weeks. One of my pigs had 'pig PMS'- she was a whole different animal for a few days out of the month!

I have a girl JUST like that. Out of my 3, for a few days each cycle, - one rumblestruts and is slightly grumpy, one hasn't really been hormonal yet but the 3rd one gets snappy, rumblestruts ALL the time and mounts etc...it's ridiculous (she's not even top sow!). Guess that's what you get with having 3 girls, one has to have bad ' Pig PMS'!
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