Purring after bath good or bad?


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Hi there,

I have a disabled guinea who we have to bath semi regularly to help her keep herself clean. She's unsteady on her legs due to a neurological problem. Since she's special needs I'm very careful with her, especially when drying. So now the boiling weather is over I'm taking extra care to dry her.

Today after a rub down with the towel I wrapped her in a second dry clean towel like a little piggy burrito and had her on my lap for a while to try and suck out as much moisture out of her coat as possible. She eventually started purring like mad.

I'm trying to decide whether it was good purrs or bad purrs. I've had guineas purring on the vet table before hiding in my arms so I know they aren't always a contentment thing. So I can't decide whether the post bath session was a self soothing purr after bath time (let's face it no guineas like baths) or whether she was feeling just very comfy and warm, and maybe even enjoying the secure feeling of being wrapped like a burrito so she didn't have to concentrate on balancing so much. What do you guys reckon?
It’s hard to tell without seeing how she was behaving. It may be she didn’t like it but you know her really well so could better tell than us. Hope she’s well otherwise ☺️