14 days ago my piggie gave birth to 3 live babies (2 girls 1 boy) and 1 stillborn boy. Everything was going great until about 4 days ago when mummy got the runs and I didn't realise how serious she had it until the next day when she, well she had some soft of fit and just passed away... the babies where fine but then the male got sick, and he didn't make it through the night, I cleaned everything in the cage to make sure it was all sterile, and I thought the 2 girls where completely fine until half an hour ago when one got diarrhea! I would go straight to the vet but I don't have a car and he's too far to walk, I'm going to try and take them in tomorrow but I'm scared that the girl wont make it through the night! Any tips? I could give her extra water in a nursing bottle I have maybe? Any help appreciated, thank you!