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Cavy Lover

Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
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Hey Guys.

I don't know if you know this but me and my mum foster dog for a dog charity. I just got asked to foster two collie pups. When I was six my mum did foster two border collies, but this time I am fostering myself for the fourth time. Is there anyone out there who has collies and advice?
I've never had a collie, but I have in past years had two Shelties. They are the most beautiful, gentle, loyal breed there is. You will love them.
I wish I could have one now but its the muddy paws and fleas that put me off.
I'm so excited. I've never fostered a Sheltie before not much come into rescue. What exactly do they look like again.
Shelties are more or less small rough collies. They are so beautiful. 11761-Blue-merle-Shetland-Sheepdog-(Sheltie)-white-background.webp My favourite dog breed. Here is a blue Merle. Isn't she gorgeous?
He's beautiful! Never seen one of those on the website or in the shelter. Are they suppose to really clever?
Are Shelties similar to normal collies like training and food wise?

I just picked up my two collie pups, but they were actually collie x rottie. One of them look very rottie and the other looks like a Labrador but no lab in him:nod: Here is some photos. The pup with the black muzzle is more of a rottie and the honey coloured pup is collie. They are brothers. The rottie is called Milo and the collie is called Billy. Milo is in the first pic. Billy in the third and both in the fourth.
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Yep! They were so smelly and just had a bath, they now smell like apples and raspberries! Mylo is the shy pup and Billy is such an energetic little boy! They just ate and they kept looking up to see if someone was about to take the food right out from under them,rescue dogs are sometimes like that. I suppose they are so used to being treated so badly. i just don't understand some people!:td:
Gorgeous pups.My last two dogs and my current two are rescues.One of my present dogs and one of the previous dogs weren't fed properly before I got them and they both thieves or thieves food if they can.Every rescue I have had has issues that you just have to learn to live with
Give them as many different positive experiences of day to day life as you can. They look quite young still so the best start you can give them is by putting a lot into socialisation and habituation. Start doing basic training with them, clicker training with treats and toys is good. You also want to make sure they spend time apart from each other so they can learn to be in independent.
Give them as many different positive experiences of day to day life as you can. They look quite young still so the best start you can give them is by putting a lot into socialisation and habituation. Start doing basic training with them, clicker training with treats and toys is good. You also want to make sure they spend time apart from each other so they can learn to be in independent.
I have already taught Milo how to sit. Billy is getting there but he is still quite hyper! He is sitting on my lap while I type!
Thanks everyone who commented they are little beauties and they still haven't been adopted! I think they are going to somewhere in the UK next week to another rescue there. Hopefully someone really nice will adopt them.
Are they going to Heathlands? I know they take dogs from Ireland.
I'm not sure which rescue they are going to all I know is that they are going to the UK, but I can send a note to the people who foster them and ask them to email me and I can ask.
Hi guys,
Quick update. Billy has gone to a new foster home because as they were 3 month old un-neutered boys they were fighting. I balled my eyes out in the new fosters house.:bye: Milo is still with me going in a week or so.
Hi guys,
Quick update. Billy has gone to a new foster home because as they were 3 month old un-neutered boys they were fighting. I balled my eyes out in the new fosters house.:bye: Milo is still with me going in a week or so.
Oh what a shame. It must be so hard when they leave.
Oh what a shame. It must be so hard when they leave.
Yes, it is very very hard when they go. I have gotten used to it we have fostered about 150 dogs since I was 6. Though with some of the dogs that are there longer you can find yourself crying yourself to sleep.
Yes, it is very very hard when they go. I have gotten used to it we have fostered about 150 dogs since I was 6. Though with some of the dogs that are there longer you can find yourself crying yourself to sleep.
Aww. You are wonderful to foster though. It is such a great thing to do.
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