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puffed up in a corner and sometimes makes noises


Deleted member 154515

pls help my guinea pig choco keeps sleeping alone in a corner all puffed up. his cheeks also look abnormally puffy, but it’s just the fur. he sometimes makes a wheeking noise but it’s not very loud. he eats and drinks normally so i’m not sure what to do. is he sick? if i can’t take him to a vet, what should i do?
I’m sorry to hear that.

Your piggy does sound like he may be unwell. Being puffed up can be a sign of being in pain.

You do need to see a vet.
We cannot tell you what is wrong with him but he does need to be checked out.
You also need to step in with home support measures but these do not replace seeing a vet and getting appropriate treatment.

Please ensure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily, each morning.
The weight checks are the only way to ensure he is eating enough hay as you cannot gauge hay intake by eye. You switch to daily checks when you have health concerns as it allows you to monitor independent hay intake and that you are providing sufficient syringe feeding each day during a period of illness Hay is three quarters is their daily food intake and even a small drop in intake can have a big effect and cause weight loss . They can appear to be eating it but aren’t eating enough. You must step in with syringe feeding a recovery feed to replace any lost fibre intake and stop any weight loss.

Please read our guides below

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Signs of Pain in Guinea Pigs
Hi and welcome

:agr: with @Piggies&buns . Your piggy sounds seriously ill and in major pain. Please have them seen by a vet as quickly as you can.

Please step in feeding and watering support now.