Puberty strikes!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2010
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I'd forgotten what boars hitting puberty was like as mine are all through that stage now. Our two foster boys hit it earlier this week with lots of rumbling, humping and the odd bit of teeth chattering. I've moved them as far away from the mixed couples cages which seems to have helped. They are still sharing a snuggle sac so relations are not bad. Moving them into a bigger cage tomorrow so fingers crossed!
Oh bless they must be feeling all manly!
What's their age? I have 2 8 week old boys I'm dreading them hitting teenybopper. I haven't the room to get an even bigger house I've squeezed them in as it is!
Mine have all been early starters with both the foster boys and Fudge who is now 8 months old hitting puberty at roughly 12 weeks old. Fudge didn't calm down until he was nearly 7 months old - up to that point he would hump everything including his snuggle sac! I think it depends on the individual boar as I'm not sure Sweep has ever gone through puberty, he seems to have been born an adult and we had him when he was about 11 weeks old. He's also the dominant pig that all the other boys follow and try to hump (which normally earns them a nip). My vet said that their organs are not fully developed until they are 6 months old so I'm guessing that's the age they become adults
Our boys, Dexter and Earnie hit puberty quite early and are just through the best part of it at nine months old. All I can say is, it does get better and they do calm down. I actually found it quite endearing although I kept a good eye on them throughout.
Mine look like they're considering humping already & they're only 8 weeks! They wave their butts at eachother, I'm nervous!
Oooohhh dear, i have two hormonal boys...perhaps three if you include my OH ;) hope everything goes well and theres not too much rumbling ! :)
Oh, the tears and tantrums of teenage boars! Hopefully, Malcolm will soon be through that phase. Griff was a very early bloomer - just a delight until he was about 10 weeks and started getting stroppy.

It's the stomping, the snorting, the arguing, the fussiness over food, the smell, the obsession with sex, the periods of being anti-social then wanting a cuddle the next minute - pretty much just like a teenage human boy - except thankfully it's months and not years, they're unlikely to smoke, experiment with drugs or ask to borrow the car! :))
Branston my piggie had his at around 10months old, I though it was pretty amusing to watch...I've got Junior to come rolleyes
haha all my 4 boys are going through this... even my new 7week old boy is trying is hand with abit of rumble strutting and humping I can make a little tune from the range of pitches of the rumble noise each one makes.

what age do they usually calm down?
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