Hi my guinea pig Nala has been to the vets twice has antibiotics and pain meds as the vet said it’s likely she has a tumour/abscess behind the eye. The antibiotics have not made it smaller however she is still eating drinking and not displaying signs of pain. She is about 4 ( I adopted her) so can’t be sure and lives with her sister. Not sure why I’m posting here just gutted and don’t want to let her go if she appears ok in every other way. Do guinea pigs continue to eat and drink when in pain because couldn’t bear her to suffer but finding it difficult to accept the time has come …any thoughts ?
Hi and welcome
Very sorry about your problem. A retrobulbar abscess (an abscess behind the eye) ids sadly not all that uncommon. Baytril can unfortunately usually not get on top of it.
Your further options are:
a) an unlicensed strong antibiotic like zithromax (azithromycin) that has a better chance of getting on top of the abscess medically.
b) an eye removal operation (enucleation) to remove an untreatable abscess/allow it to drain via the eyehole.
Thankfully, eyesight is actually the weakest of the guinea pig senses (it is the strongest in humans), so an eye removal is not the end of the world and guinea pigs adapt to it well. Your piggy is not too old for an operation but you want a vet who is confident ad practiced with operating on small furries. If your vet has concerns about either way of treatment, then you may want see whether the Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton can help you; they are not all that far from you.
The Cat and Rabbit Clinic, Northampton - Referrals for guinea pigs with dental issues
Are you weighing your guinea pig regularly in order to monitor the all-imporant hay intake? It should make over three quarters of the daily food intake but you cannot control it by eye; it is also the first food group that suffers when there is pain since it is the hardest of guinea pig foods. The silica in the grass is what grinds down the all important back teeth and the gut is fully laid out for the digestion of highly nutritious but tough grass/hay fibre. Just eating veg is not enough since veg, pellets and any treats all together only replace the supplementary role that whild forage used to have.
Weight - Monitoring and Management
If there is weight loss or there is loss of appetite from a strong antibiotic that also affects the digestive gut bacteria, then you need to step in with syringe feeding support in order to make up for the missing hay. Weight loss/loss of appetite are some of the major indicators for pain since guinea pigs as prey animals are wired to suppress any illness to a quite amazing degree.
Our syringe feeding and medicating guide is very comprehensive and practical, including how to improvise initially:
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Here is more information on any post-op care and for an eye removal recovery in one of my own piggies.
Tips For Post-operative Care
Please keep your fingers crossed for Meleri's eye removal operation!
All the best. Please take a deep breath. Your girl has a very change of living for a goodly while longer yet!