proof there is hope after all

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Jan 27, 2007
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the OH pigsitting Harley :o :o
You are so lucky, my OH sort of tutts and turns back to the footy when my GP's are anywhere near him! How do I train him? Occassionally if i'm lucky when he thinks i'm not looking he'll chuck a bit of carrot into the cage (its a start I suppose) ;D
I just say hold onto 'whicheverone' needs holding and walk away! does wonders always snuggled by time i get back lol
Nah! he just freaks and says he's allergic to fur >:( He always says this. Although when he's had a few drinks he actually talks to them 98) ;D
Fudgey said:
I just say hold onto 'whicheverone' needs holding and walk away! does wonders always snuggled by time i get back lol

me too he knows they are so precious to me that he daren't move in case of risk of harming them ;)
I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem! My boyfriend, isn't all that found of them...However I think he has taken a liking to Captain Jack :) I caught him cuddling him one day when I got home from work :smitten:
Allan never was involved before but since Sully went to the bridge :'( and Duke's had so many probs with his teeth and now the abscess i find him taking down snacks every day before he goes to work. And he'll lie on the floor and hold a spinach leaf for him to eat whilst i'm cutting up his veggies for his night feed O0
he was actually watching footy when he was pig sitting,i just made an excuse i had to take the bin out for the dustbinmen and just plonked Harley on him and left,mwahahah

i came back and he was playing hide and seek under the towel with him 98) 98)
Fudgey said:
I just say hold onto 'whicheverone' needs holding and walk away! does wonders always snuggled by time i get back lol
Lol, that always works a treat with me. ;D
i need to borrow someones piggie and do that to my dad, maybe then he will WANT piggies
Sehnsucht said:
i came back and he was playing hide and seek under the towel with him 98) 98)

;D ;D

i'm very lucky that my oh doesn't mind me having guineas at all although he did say when i had 3 that i couldn't have anymore >:(

wonder how i ended up with 27 then :D

he does go and say hello to them and will hold them if i take one out and pass them to him although he hasn't a clue who they all are now ;D
i had 2 new ones for a week that he didn't know about so i followed him into the guinea room when he went in he walked up to the cage and said "hello" paused and then "who the **** are you " i nearly fell on the floor laughing his face was a picture ;D

;D ;D ;D
Just hearing that made me laugh so much
Quote from Doodles
"i'm very lucky that my oh doesn't mind me having guineas at all although he did say when i had 3 that i couldn't have anymore >:(

wonder how i ended up with 27 then :D"

LOL ;D ;D ;D
Niki x
My bf LOVES Guinea! everytime he comes over he gets his phone out and takes pictures and videos him 98) I ask him what he's doing and he'll say, ''oh look, Guinea is drinking, i have to get that on my phone'' ?

Glad i have someone that appreciates my furry lot as much as me ;D
? As you said 98) ;D Good that he appreciates your piggies!
NikiG said:
Quote from Doodles
"i'm very lucky that my oh doesn't mind me having guineas at all although he did say when i had 3 that i couldn't have anymore >:(

wonder how i ended up with 27 then :D"

LOL ;D ;D ;D
Niki x

haha my OH was like that,i think he just ignores when i walk in with another now,although he did realllly take to Hraley and even rename him :o :o
LOL My hubby Mike is heavily involved with the piggies. My dad's not keen on picking them up but will hold them if you give them to him.

When they squeak for tea, he'll go 'shut up you noisy bu**ers!' and then talks to them! ;)

He's a big softy really!
i really want to borrow a piggie, dump it on my Dad and then he might let me have a pair ;)
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