Productive Weekend!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Littleborough, UK
I haven't been sleeping very well because my brain won't stop! I've put this time to use and have designed a few new bits for Pigs in Blankets (for those of you without facebook, the OH is working on a website for PiB. Until then, feel free to message me here :) ). Here are a few I've been playing around with in the last 24 hours...
20150117_193105.webp 20150117_193153.webp 20150117_211427.webp 20150118_113601.webp 20150118_113739.webp 20150118_114517.webp 20150118_161127.webp 20150118_161451.webp 20150118_161732.webp
:D thanks guys! I've had a disco nap so feeling more human now.
It's been a crazy couple of days, my head was ready to explode with new ideas. I woke up at 5 this morning after 2 hours sleep like "Oh I think that idea would work... I need to get up and try it NOW!"
Now it's out of my system I can look forward to full nights sleep again!
Lovely piggy things. Tried to find you on Facebook but couldn't find you.
Great Stuff! You have the worlds best piggy models to try them out too :love:
Thanks everyone :D I love making new little bits and obviously, my boys are happy to have new things to snuggle in!
@sport_billy I have to be quick with the pictures or they start bickering! They both love to pose on there own though :)
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