Probs With Teeth

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
United kindom
I really would like to get another piggy for company for peanut whom I got on Saturday now what's putting me off my last guinea pig alfie had problems with his teeth overlapping I didn't even have him for 3 months from p@h the vet wanted £142 to sort his teeth out I got in contact with pets at home they paid for the operation as I didn't have that kind of money and I feel he shouldn't ever of been sold like that and it would of cost me £142 every 6-7 week's coz of misaligned teeth do they swapped him and gave me peanut but I don't want another if that's got probs with their teeth I did feel really guilty about alfie the vet basically said have it done or put him down I burst into tears in the vets room it wasnt a good day:(:(:(
I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Thankfully all vets aren't like that. If you're not far from Northampton then Simon Maddock or his wife Kim are probably the best guinea pig dental vets in the country & do most of the work without anesthetic which is better for the piggies & your pocket. Hopefully you won't have dental problems again but a trip to Northampton would definitely be worth it. If you can't do the journey yourself then check with The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary to se if they have spaces & The Piggy Train can take your piggy there.
I agree with the above.

What are Pets at Home doing with Alfie now? Will he go up for rehoming?
Thankyou I'm in Southampton so that piggy train sounds ideal what I found with alfie all his chewing toys he wasn't touching and my vets don't do credit or payment plans either which would of been handy at that precise time I'm now going to pay £15 a month consultation fee to get him checked over so any probs can be spotted early he's also eating loads of meadow and Timothy hay and chewing on his wooden toys
Poor guy! I'd definitely look into a different vet and perhaps start a savings account to put some money aside for piggy problems. The excellent adventure sanctuary would also be ideal. Please keep us updated :)
:agr:Yeah I'm going to start putting away money starting from tomorrow incase of Any emergency visits to the vets
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