Junior Guinea Pig
I currently have a four year old sow and a 2 year old sow. I have recently adopted a 3 month old sow to join my group. When my 3 month old arrived I quarantined her for 2 weeks in a separate cage but it was put next to my main cage so that they could all see each other. Then when I came to indroduce them I first introduced the 3 month old to my 2 year old (who is not dominant) then when that went well introduced my 4 year old (the dominant one) all went well in the neutral ground and after being together in neutral ground for 3 hours I then put them all into my cleaned main cage. The first couple of days were fine and there were no problems. Then as my 2 year old began to form a bond with the 3 month old my 4 year old then started to become bossy with my 3 month old, cornering her so she will scream out and chasing her. They could be doing that one minute and then the next they are eating together side by side with no problems. It has continued to be like that that I have had to take my 4 year old out of the main cage as my 2 year old and 3 month old we're getting on so well and my 4 year old has always preferred to be a more lonely Guinea pig. I just really don't know what to do now?