Hey everyone, haven't been around much lately but need some help.
Up until a few weeks ago our piggies ( both female ) were getting on great but now one of them keeps going for the other one. I had them out last night while the other half was cleaning them out and she just kept going for her sister, the poor thing was making lots of noise. Then she would be sitting quite happily then turn around any bite me for no apparent reason. It's distressing hearing the other pig when she goes for her and I do seperate them when it happens but I just don't know what to do. The other pig doesn't seem to bothered as she keeps going over to her.
Any advice as to what to do? Would getting a neutered boar help? I'd guess they're around 4-5 months old now if thats of any help
Also another thing cleo ( the bully ) does is keep pushing up under athenas mouth, its almost like shes trying to see if she's got anything in her mouth?
Up until a few weeks ago our piggies ( both female ) were getting on great but now one of them keeps going for the other one. I had them out last night while the other half was cleaning them out and she just kept going for her sister, the poor thing was making lots of noise. Then she would be sitting quite happily then turn around any bite me for no apparent reason. It's distressing hearing the other pig when she goes for her and I do seperate them when it happens but I just don't know what to do. The other pig doesn't seem to bothered as she keeps going over to her.
Any advice as to what to do? Would getting a neutered boar help? I'd guess they're around 4-5 months old now if thats of any help
Also another thing cleo ( the bully ) does is keep pushing up under athenas mouth, its almost like shes trying to see if she's got anything in her mouth?