Adult Guinea Pig
I have suspected since Friday when I picked her up that she may have lice as I noticed a few bits on the fur on her back and she was scratching alot. But today when looking very closely, I saw one crawling around in her fur! :o Obviously her sister has them also. I am so glad that they are in a separate hutch to my other piggies and that I have a different brush to clean them out to my other piggies!
If a little 6 week old baby can be crawling with lice, then how many can the parents be harbouring and suffering from?! >
It just goes to show that you need to quarantine your new piggies away from your existing pets until you are sure that they are free from pests or diseases.
If a little 6 week old baby can be crawling with lice, then how many can the parents be harbouring and suffering from?! >

It just goes to show that you need to quarantine your new piggies away from your existing pets until you are sure that they are free from pests or diseases.