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Pretty Fat

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
What’s going on with my rodent called Pretty? My photos aren’t brilliant but she just keeps growing, her belly looks oversized like she’s bloated with water retention. When I got these rodents they were teenagers and now they’re about two years old but Pretty has always had a round looking belly and extra fat on her hips which makes her look out of proportion and her head looks thin, whereas Ugly has always been a proper shaped rodent. Pretty always used to weigh less than Ugly but now she’s heavier. They’re perfectly happy, perhaps overfed. Pretty tends not to exercise much, Ugly has always been the one who’ll run around the pen having fun. Clearly this isn’t a medical emergency because it’s just been a slow progress thing and she acts fine, why’s she like this though? Is it life limiting?

A few months ago...

Last July...
Piggies as they get older can go more pear shaped rather than the same slimness from head to bottom.

Have you thought to check if she is pregnant?
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She isn't pregnant, she hasn't been in contact with a male. I'd like to think she just happens to be pear shaped but I can't help but think the excess weight and poor proportion could be unhealthy for her. Plus I'm starting to worry if she's just going to continue to grow fatter as the months and years roll on.
Hi Sue, nice to see you again. She looks pretty pear shaped to be honest. I would get her to the vets for a quick check up, maybe ovarian cysts as a possibility? Its just a niggle when I first saw the photo. Worth a check up for sure. What does she weigh?

Hi Sue and welcome back!

I am very sorry that your lovely girl has a problem, knowing what a caring and diligent piggy mum you are!

In view of what is the matter with her, I agree with @sport_billy that it looks like a huge ovarian cyst to me. Middle aged and older sows can get them; really large ones develop quite often without showing any of the other symptoms that can be connected with them. Please have her seen by a piggy savvy vet in order to avoid it bursting.

Thankfully, there are now alternative much less invasive treatments to a spaying operation available, like hormone therapy or draining the cyst.
My boy Jack looked a bit like that it turned out his chest was full of fluid so I agree a vet check for peace of mind xx
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