Preparing for colder weather

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Bottesford, North Lincolnshire
Hi we are just building a large run to go in the work shop end of the garage, our idea is to put the guinea hutch inside it so that the girls can have a little ramp down from their hutch into the run and still get plenty of exercise during the cold months. I have got some spare cushion floor to put in the bottom of the run to make easy cleaning. Not sure what to put on top of it. Would paper be ok with wood shaving and hay? Not sure as i have only had my girls not quite two weeks. They sleep outside at the moment in their Hutch with snuggle pad thats after they have been in the run most of the day and been inside for lots of cuddles. I should be grateful for any tips on winter housing. :)
my piggies are in my shed, and they have like 3rd of the shed to roam in and a wooden house at night (not a hutch) they all tend to sleep together in that, what i did was fill 3/4 big bags full of shredded newspaper, then fold a blanket in half and peg it over the house in a line and peg it on the other end of the run so you have like a hammock of a blanket pegged at one end of the run and over the house. then put the bin bags on top of the blanket then cover those with 2/3 more blankets. its great at keeping the heat in to their house and that full strip is warm for them to raom about at night if they want to. i hope that made sense and you can picture what i mean lol you can do the same with hutches layer blankets over + bin bags full with paper and then another blanket its keeps the warmth in :)
We are building a guinea haven in the gaarden shed with plenty of ventilation etc just because we are so exposed to cold winds from the north here but we use megazorb under newspaper at the mo
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