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pregnant piggy- stressed midwife!

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Haven't posted in ages due to loads of things going on but reading the posts I forgot how nice it was to read how everyone and their wee ones are getting on.

I recently got another female for my snipped male. Problem being that she was pregnant when we got her (we didn't know). The pet shop tell me that this most have happened when she was only five weeks by some silly breeder. Anyway long story short she is due real soon and I am in panic mode the more i read about all the things that can go wrong.

Anyone any experience of piggy births...will i need hot towels and gas and air ;)
Awww, how exciting (and stressful!) for you! If it is any reasurrance, the same thing happened to my pig. We bought her from the pet shop at 8 weeks old and the following week or two, she has popped out this delightful little ginger baby...all wet and dazzed.
I had intended to breed from her but obviously not at this age...luckily the male which she was bought to fall in love with :smitten: was very relaxed about the whole situation, i would however, recommend that you separate your pig from the male (if you have not already) as, they are known to eat babies especially if not their own! :o

So,really what I'm trying to say is...if i had no idea my pig was pregnant therefore didnt change her diet or treat her any differently (kept her warm etc) and she had a perfectly normal baby...then you and your pig are going to be fine! Good luck...you lucky midwife!
Guinea pigs most usually give birth at night,when no one is around.The majority do so with no problems.
eat the babies. Oh my god! I better get him outta their cage then.
I dont think males do actually eat them... but it is a good idea to remove him from the cage :)
He could get over excited and hump the mummy... which would stress her... and he could trample and kill the babies :-\

good luck!

try not to stress too much :) as hard as it is :P
Aww, I'm sure she'll be fine, they tend to be pretty good at dealing with labour themselves, trust me! I'd definately take her out from the male tho as she will be able to get pregnant straight away after giving birth and it wouldn't be fair on the poor love. Just keep her warm and comfortable with plenty of food, water and veggies and enjoy the little uns when they come as they don't stay little for long! ;)
the good thing is that the male is neutered. She is already putting him out and i find him lying huffing in his wee arm chair. They are in the bottom c and c cage so they have the run of the living room. She is so funny. Any noise relating to food she is the loudest at meeping-can't even open anything that makes a russle noise of open the fridge without her going crazy. And when i do make her food she walks out of her cage, sits looking at me as if - would you ever hurry up.
Silly me, I can see now that he is neutered ;)

Boys do tend to be a bit clumsy tho as they don't have maternal feelings so just be careful!

Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine, there's loads of advice on here and always someone around who can help :smitten:
The babies would not get eaten! ;D

It might be a good idea to take the male out at the later stages of pregnancy if she gets annoyed with him pestering or trying to hump...but keep the cages close so they both have company! :)

It is a better idea to leave the mum alone with her babies in the first week or so at least in my opinion, and obvioulsy there is the chance your male could step on or hurt the babies by accident, but the mummy will feel better if its just her and the bubs!

I have had two pregnant mummies, and they do it completely by themselves and need you to do nothing except wait for the gorgeous minis!

There are lots of threads on here that will help you, so really no need to worry! As long as you make sure the boys are out by 3 weeks old, you have no worries ;) O0
cheers for info. She is so big now. I keep waking up in the middle of the night to check on her. She is like a balloon.
I know just what you're going through. Our eldest female gave birth just over a month and a half ago for the first time. We thought she was going to explode if she got any larger. Turned out she was carying four precious babies. We seperated our male about two weeks before she went into labor just because of the "emotional reactions" they were having toward each other.

I know that Clovis is not fond of the babies, so we still keep him seperated. He's a brute of a male though. Looks like a small dog almost. Can bite an apple core in half with one bite. But as pleasant and even tempered as you'd ever hope to meet.

Anyhow, best wishes for your piggies. It's a hard time, but you'll make it through it!

Rev. Jason M. Hood
Sis. Amy N. Hood
Well I am now the proud owner of four wee ones (not sure of sex yet). She give birth last night while me and my boyfriend were watching TV. There was no noise at all. My boyfriend then noticed that Uma had got alot thinner and there at the back of her home in the cuddle cup was four wee ones. All muti coloured. One ginner, one black, one white and one white and ginger! Then quickly got a massive big box just for tonight and put some old bed sheets, some hay and water bottle so they could all stay close. Read some where that you have to check that mum is producing milk. Had a look this morning but can't see her nipples to check. So a bit worried that the pups are getting their milk. Can't wait to get outta work to go check on them.
Any ideas about what food they could have?
You should be able to see whether the bubbies are going under her for milk...as long as shes not neglecting them they'll be fine, and I doubt she will!


Have you posted any pics yet? I LOOOOVE minipig pics!! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

They sound gorgeous!!
Thanks!don't have the net at home yet just have it at work. Getting it in soon though as we just moved. Yes I'll take loads of pictures tonight. Can't get over how mobile and alert they are.
aww its mad isnt it? they have all their fur, eyes open and eat after a couple of hours! i couldnt believe it! ;D :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Where did this father eating baby thing come from? Who said that? Where is the proof? :D

I honestly do not believe that in the slightest...
It came from me - *waves*
I've only been on here for 1 week and i am getting bullied left right and centre!
OoOo Congratulations on the babies! You are so lucky!

My male ate one of my pigs babies....there is your proof now please stop picking on me :tickedoff:
Thank you.....
You are NOT being bullied,people are stating their opinion which is the purpose of this forum.We do not necessarily have to agree with each other..

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