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pregnant, bloated, or fat?


New Born Pup
Aug 8, 2022
Reaction score
hi i am very worried about my new guinea pig nugget. i got her from a pet store on june 21st and i recently noticed her shape and it’s causing me concern. i’ve never gotten a guinea pig from the store i’ve only ever rescued and her cage mate is a skinny pig who has had babies so i know for a fact she is female. i felt her stomach and it is kind of hard and lumpy which i heard are signs of pregnancy. i don’t know if she’s bloated or what but i’m extremely worried. i think the store sold me a pregnant pig. please help.

I’m afraid we cannot tell you if your piggy is pregnant or unwell, but given bloat is a serious condition, then it would be best to see a vet asap to rule out any medical emergency.
If it does turn out that you have been sold a pregnant piggy, then do speak to to the shop.