Practical Advice Re Syringe Feeding Two Piggies Pls...


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2016
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Firstly - I can't work out which board this should be on, I'm sorry if this is the wrong one!

To cut a long story short, I am currently syringe feeding both of my piggies and I'm struggling. One of them takes it ok - takes me about 25 mins to get 15mls in to him. The other one - you're looking at 45mins-1hour, and I'm convinced he's probably only getting about half of what I give him. I do this 4x's a day.

I'm trying to feed Elvis (25 min feeder) more as I can't seem to get his weight stable.

I feel like I am spending an awful lot of time sitting on the sofa feeding them, and other things are falling apart around me :(

Anyone got any sort of time schedule in times like this? Is there anything I can do to make it easier?

(They're both regularly seen by vets by the way - I'm not just syringe feeding them and hoping for the best!)
Lot gof time stringing them. That's what piggie slaves do. :lol!:
Have you looked at, the illness it may have some tips there. I think some one said about wrappingthe piggy up. It may make it easier.
Good luck!
Lot gof time stringing them. That's what piggie slaves do. :lol!:
Have you looked at, the illness it may have some tips there. I think some one said about wrappingthe piggy up. It may make it easier.
Good luck!

I need a piggie slave break lol!

I'll have a look through there, thanks, might find something useful! Elvis is taking the syringe no problems whatsoever, Barlo isn't tooooo bad now...I could have a go at wrapping him up. Just don't want to hurt him - he's only just had his stitches out (on his neck) :-/
I sometimes have up to four piggies to syringe feed and I find something good to watch on TV, put them all into pet carriers and bring into the lounge and then syringe 1 ml to each of them and keep working round and round. If one is taking it quicker then you can adapt your order of feeding, but generally you give each one 1 ml and then start again and keep going until they are all finished. It is much quicker doing it this way, than feeding each piggy separately.
I sometimes have up to four piggies to syringe feed and I find something good to watch on TV, put them all into pet carriers and bring into the lounge and then syringe 1 ml to each of them and keep working round and round. If one is taking it quicker then you can adapt your order of feeding, but generally you give each one 1 ml and then start again and keep going until they are all finished. It is much quicker doing it this way, than feeding each piggy separately.

Ah-ha! That sounds like a plan! Will give it a go next feed - thanks
Ah-ha! That sounds like a plan! Will give it a go next feed - thanks
It means you maximise every minute, as sometimes it can take a while for them to be ready for the next mouthful. I am doing a feline behaviour course and also spend time reading my course notes as I feed, so again the time is being used well for two very good purposes :-)
Do you think you can reason with him Lozzybee let him stay up late to watch TV
Sorry it's not funny, he's a bad piggie, worrying you like this.
I wonder if he really liked what you gave he might take it easier. Don't some of like a pellet mix. I don't know what CC your using but a lot of people use another one (sorry I can't remember what it is) but that goes down very well.
I found I just have to adapt to what piggy wants, in the end we were using pellets, CC and a bit of wheat grass powder to get him to eat happily.

I almost got a little pouch to put round my waist for syringe feeding and keeping him with me but didn't need to in the end.

Hope they're better soon!