Potty Training


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
Birmingham England
Hi i have just had two teddy piggies and would like ideas of how to potty train them. I waited to see where they were going and put potty there but now they go around it and not actually in it. Whats the best thing to do?
Hello and welcome.
I’ve never had any success in toilet training any of my piggies. Unlike other pets they are happy to wee and poo almost anywhere including their beds and even their food bowls. I think it’s just a fact of piggy life.
Welcome to the forum.

Piggies are basically food processors with fur - in one end and out the other with no regard to where or when.
One of the joys of being a piggy slave is finding piggy poo in the most unexpected places!

Please let us see pictures of your piggies
Hello and welcome.
I’ve never had any success in toilet training any of my piggies. Unlike other pets they are happy to wee and poo almost anywhere including their beds and even their food bowls. I think it’s just a fact of piggy life.

And the water bowls. Nothing is sacred. Nothing.