Potty Training

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 29, 2014
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For my birthday I got two young male guinea pigs. I have a huge cage for them, that they are currently in, and it takes up a lot of bedding. Some people have fleece at the bottom of the cage instead of bedding, fleece would be less money being spent, and more comfy. So I decided that I will Potty train them, But it is not working out. Any tips?:ple:
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Good luck with that ;). I've been keeping piggies for over 17 years and never managed to litter train them! I have just one of my piggies who doesn't wee and poo in his bed, but the others have resolutely defied me to wee and poo wherever they want!:mal:
Wow, but I will still try because of my stubborn personallity. :lol: But thanks
@MamaPiggy if you succeed please tell me the secret of your success as I have litter trained/potty/house trained children, dogs, cats, an African Grey parrot, hamsters and rabbits but the piggies have (so far) beaten me
I will, if I figure out the secret, the world must know!:))
The closest thing I've heard of on this forum is those who have fleece but have a small area (tray) with sawdust and/or hay on it who have noticed their piggies tending to use that area more often as the toilet.

I don't have any personal expertise as I only tried fleece once for 3 days (I only gave up as I didn't have time to do things like cut the fleece to size or wash it a few times so that it wicks properly - due to washing machine already permanently on with nappies and children's clothes!) but when I am ready to go again with fleece I will just be happy if most get done in one area. I expect I will still have to pick up poops from the fleecy areas.

I think I will try sawdust trays in each corner of the cage as I've noticed my piggies poop far more in the corners of their outdoor run than anywhere else in it.
Good idea, I found on the internet that piggies like to do their duty in dark places. My boys have ignored the tray until just a few minutes ago when I hung a hand towel over it. I will see if they use it now. I hope they do:san::san:
My girls are sort of trained.Their litter trays are a Mayer of newspaper then finacard then their hay.There is s fleece pegged over the cage where the trays are.Most sees and poos are done in there.The end where their hideys are has a towel then fleece that I can change if they wee on it then don't have to change main fleece.I have incontinence pads under my main fleece as bad these get changed every few days if wet
I am a newbie to guinea pigs and am trying the fleece upstairs and their hay downstairs. So far they sleep upstairs in a large pigloo, and spend the day downstairs running in the hay and napping, then playing, napping, running up and down the ramp.
The fleece is easy to clean, whereas the hay is messy, (I will put up with it as they are worth it), and they go to the loo in one corner in the fleece upstairs. Their food is downstairs. So that is okay by me as a toilet but after reading all of the comments above I will get some kitty litter and a little tray to see if they use that in the same corner as they already use. Thank you for your time to all that posted. It helps to read as much as I can.
Yeah! Like PiggySmitten said you could always put a Tray in their cage with wood chips cause they DO NOT like sitting in their mess, So they will start using the tray as a toilet and you could just wash the fleece every week in case they did pee on it :D
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Please don't take this as me sounding snarky or anything, I don't want to come across that way at all but I just have a question. Why does it matter if you attempt to litter train if you're going to be using fleece? I use all fleece pads/beds, I brush them off outside once a day, then wash everything once or twice a week. Piggies usually poo/pee where they sleep and eat then they kick it around anyway. I've read a bit about this and people will claim you can potty train pigs, but I've never heard of anyone fully succeeding. Why not just love, cuddle, and take care of your sweet piglets and perhaps teach them a trick here or there instead :)!
Well guinea pigs pee and poop where they wan't really. It's really not that hard to just spot clean their cage twice a day. I'm not trying to be rude or anything. Some tips are maybe you could get a cat litter tray put bedding or hay in it and put their poop in it. I have actually saw lots of poops and some pee in my pigs litter tray. It works quiet nice although you do still see poop everywhere :P

Good Luck And Keep
Us Updated If You Happen To Find
A Solution For The Poo Nightmares!
I thought this was an interesting video on the subject. We're new piggy owners as well and are having a C&C set up delivered next week, so I've been doing lots of reading up on different approaches in order to see how we'll set up our cage. (I know that whatever we do, the piggies will have the final say :) )

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