Potty Training Guinea Pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 7, 2017
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Hi! I'm new and I will soon be getting some guinea pigs.
Is it possible to potty train them? Will they go the bathroom if I let them wander my room or put them in my lap for awhile? Or do they like to go in one spot? Also, can I give them 12% horse pellets instead of actually buying guinea pig feed?
Will it go the bathroom if I let it wander my room and I put the litter box on the ground? Or do they like to go in one spot?
Has anyone litter box trained guinea pigs? Also, if I let my guinea pig wander around my room for awhile, will she go the bathroom? Or do they like to go in one spot?
Will it go the bathroom if I let it wander my room and I put the litter box on the ground? Or do they like to go in one spot?

It is very rare for a Guinea pig to use a litter box - they usually prefer to just go in their pen/hutch. Some guineas will pick a certain area to do it in which is normally away from their food, water and hide. This isn't something every guinea pig does though. There could be a possibility that your piggy may go to the bathroom while its wandering around your room.

If you're letting you piggy wander in your room, perhaps try and get something to border off a specific area and to keep the piggy in one area as they are very fast and agile and can fit through small gaps. Make sure all wires are blocked off from where your guinea is allowed to run as they will chew any wires which could end very very badly.
Has anyone litter box trained guinea pigs? Also, if I let my guinea pig wander around my room for awhile, will she go the bathroom? Or do they like to go in one spot?

Hi and welcome!

Sorry, litter training guinea pigs is not possible. Some are by nature cleaner than others - it often reflects the conditions they ancestors have been brought up and been kept in.

What you can do it attract some peeing fire: place a tray filled with soft meadow or orchard hay under a stalky timothy hay rack; for some reason piggies like to pee in there (as well as sleep at the other end). A hay tray with some overhead cover is also a good toiletting area for roaming piggies, but you can never catch all pees that way, and definitely not direct the poo output, which goes everywhere.

if you want to let your piggies free roam, please make sure that they cannot make messes on any carpet that you do not own, get into places you do not want them (they are very inventive and will find every single crack before you!) and make absolutely sure that they cannot get at any cables.
If you cannot do that, consider getting a puppy run for indoors play time.
Thank you! Will they go the bathroom in my lap?
One of mine uses the litter tray.
I just put it in there for an experiment and she started to use it
Thank you! Will they go the bathroom in my lap?

Most piggies get wiggly or start tweaking when they need to go to the toilet, but some just let go without warning. A fleece blanket for your lap is recommended unless you don't mind being christening. Piggies loose control over their bladder when they fall asleep.
Hi Leah - I recommend you put something absorbant on your lap - such as a towel or puppy pad when you cuddle your guinea pigs. They won't always pee on you - but it's a wise precaution.
Most piggies get wiggly or start tweaking when they need to go to the toilet, but some just let go without warning. A fleece blanket for your lap is recommended unless you don't mind being christening. Piggies loose control over their bladder when they fall asleep.
Oh Ok! So If They Fall Asleep, They'll Go On Me?
It's not necessarily when they sleep. Basically, guineas have some control over their bladders so, they're not incontinent But, when they want to go, they go! As some members have said in this thread and others, some guinea pigs will give you a sign so you have a chance to put them back in their home before they pee but this isn't the case with all guinea pigs. It's one of those things you get used to when you are familiar with them.
It's not necessarily when they sleep. Basically, guineas have some control over their bladders so, they're not incontinent But, when they want to go, they go! As some members have said in this thread and others, some guinea pigs will give you a sign so you have a chance to put them back in their home before they pee but this isn't the case with all guinea pigs. It's one of those things you get used to when you are familiar with them.
Thank you so much!
Merging your two threads together :)

Welcome to the forum :)
Just to add to this both my boys let me know when they need to wee by scurrying to the top of my shoulder, in a backwards motion and get squeeky. At first we didn't know why they did this and after the 2nd time it made sense.
Interesting they warn you they need a wee but not when the need to deficate.
Just to add to this both my boys let me know when they need to wee by scurrying to the top of my shoulder, in a backwards motion and get squeeky. At first we didn't know why they did this and after the 2nd time it made sense.
Interesting they warn you they need a wee but not when the need to deficate.

Mine seem to do that too! At first, we didn't know what they were doing and they kept weeing on us so we had to buy puppy pads until we learned the signs. We did a lot of research and figured that that was the best way to stop our clothes from getting ruined until we got to know them better. For anyone thinking of doing that, they don't dislike the puppy pads but are more comfortable being on just you at first because puppy pads have a strong and unfamiliar scent.
Some guinea pigs may litter train, but don't expect this as a rule. The best way to keep from being peed on is to watch their body language. Most guinea pigs will get fidgity and may circle or back up before peeing. This is the time to put them back if you want to avoid getting wet. As for potty training in a room, they are unlikely to train to a litter box in that room. I have a cage setup where they can come and go at will (there is a cage with a blocked/off hallway- they can go up the ramp to the cage at any time while wandering around. I have found my pigs do go back to the cage to pee. I didn't teach them this. My first pair seemed to figure it out on their own, and then subsequent generations of pigs seem to have copied the 'rules' of the older pigs. That said, I doubt they would go to a litter box that wasn't their permanent home and the likelihood is that you will have pee accidents from time to time when guinea pigs are roaming free. They are not 'trainable' like a cat, for instance.

As for pellets, you cannot substitute horse feed (or rabbit feed, or rat feed, etc.) for guinea pigs. They have specific nutritional requirements, including the need to take in vitamin C from diet rather than manufacturing it themselves (just like humans!) Pigs with inadequate vitamin C in their diet will get scurvy. Besides the guinea pig pellet, you can also give foods rich in vitamin C or a supplement if needed. I give a vitamin C fortified pellet, foods like peppers with vitamin C content, and use vitamin C drops administered directly for pigs that are ill and need a boost.
Has anyone litter box trained guinea pigs? Also, if I let my guinea pig wander around my room for awhile, will she go the bathroom? Or do they like to go in one spot?
Hi my guinea pig pools everywhere unless she is comfortable with her surroundings so I don't know if you can potty train them :)
My two sows do the majority of their wees in their hay trays. They use their fleece area for relaxing (under their ikea dolls beds being their fave chillin area).

I give them all their hay in the trays and grass and most of their veg. They have a handful of pellets between them scattered throughout the cage each evening.

They like to wee and poo where they eat. Hence the hay trays catching most of their wees.

My boar, who is waiting to be 6 weeks post neuter, wees at the boundary between him and the sows and in his hay tray!
Thank you! Will they go the bathroom in my lap?
From my experience they will if you cuddle them while watching a film ( usually after the first 1.5 hrs) my honey loves tv she is always just looking up and sqeaking at it then usually she curls up on me