Potential euthanasia and feeling terrible about it (hamster.)


Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
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Besides the pigs we also have hamsters- Aja (age 2), Yuffie (age 21 months) and Apollonia (age 14 months.)

Aja is the oldest, a very nice Syrian ham who I think very likely has pyometra. She has some discharge from her genitals that smells infected and some swelling. She has a vet appointment at 9 a.m. tomorrow, it's the earliest I could get for her. We got her in Feb of 2022, so she is just turning 2 around now. I know the only real treatment here is a spay... I also know that the cost is going to be really high, the surgery may not be successful, and as a 2-year-old hamster she is in the back end of her lifespan anyhow. I have no idea what decision I'm going to make. She has had a recurrent facial abscess and each time the cost to have it lanced and drained under anesthesia was about 200 dollars- and that's a surface wound, not a major surgery. I can only imagine what our vet charges for a sick animal spay on a hamster. It's got to be over 500 dollars. I HAVE that money sitting around, but I will definitely miss it. It's not easily disposable cash. And I don't know if it's worth it to her to have surgery that might only extend her life another couple of months. But thus far I've never said no to treatment just because of the cost. But then again, I've never been hit with a really costly surgery on an elderly pet before.

Right now I am thinking that if the vet thinks she is a good risk for surgery and the surgery itself will be 500 dollars or less, I will try. I work from home, I had booked time off between Christmas and New Year's but I would probably cancel that and just work through to recuperate some of the cost. But if it's more than that, I just can't afford it and will have to make decisions accordingly. And obviously if the vet thinks it's unlikely to be successful at her age, there's that to consider too. I can't put that kind of money into something where she is unlikely to survive anyhow.

It just sucks, she is a lovely ham, we have gone through so much together with her face abscess, and right now she is still running around behaving perfectly normally and it's hard to believe that we may be looking at putting her down. I'm just so torn between trying to be practical and trying to pull out all the stops knowing it's money I really don't have to spend.
Luckily, I never had to consider the cost of an operation so far, but I always try to calculate the "cost" it will have on the little one.
If there is only a slight change of success, I don't go through with it. Personally, I think it's more humane not to go through with every possible treatment if it will only cause more stress and pain. I always try to follow my gut feeling.
But I know that a lot of people feel different about it and that's perfectly fine.
The only wrong decision would be to cause harm on Intention or because of neglect.
Holding you in my heart! I know that's one of the hardest decisions.
whatever decision you make will be the correct one.though difficult.i usually weight up the cost and the quality of life when making a decision.informed choice is helpful in these situations.Also asking what the vet feels is in the best interest of the animal.
I'm sorry you are facing this.
Luckily, I never had to consider the cost of an operation so far, but I always try to calculate the "cost" it will have on the little one.
If there is only a slight change of success, I don't go through with it. Personally, I think it's more humane not to go through with every possible treatment if it will only cause more stress and pain. I always try to follow my gut feeling.
But I know that a lot of people feel different about it and that's perfectly fine.
The only wrong decision would be to cause harm on Intention or because of neglect.
Holding you in my heart! I know that's one of the hardest decisions.
Yeah, I keep trying to figure out to calculate the 'cost' of whether it would be worth it to Aja or not. Would going through the pain of surgery/recovery be worth it so that she can die of another cause a few months down the road? Knowing some of her time is going to be spent being old and frail and not able to run around and do hamster stuff like she is now? Is it better to try to give her some palliative nursing until she is no longer behaving like her old self, or would that be leaving it too long? I know they say better too soon than too late, but she's mooching food and digging in her shavings and building in her little nest and I can't fathom putting her to sleep tomorrow when this is how 'normal' she seems today.

I don't know. I am so stressed out that I feel sick to my stomach. I've had pets go on their own and I've had pets where euthanasia was very obviously the best thing right now and I didn't struggle with the decision. These 'in-between' options are really hard though.
I am so sorry, it’s such a difficult decision but which ever you make will be the right one for Aja :hug:
So sorry to hear about your hamster. 2 years old is a very very good age for a female Syrian hamster, it's testament to your good care. I personally would likely make the choice to let her go peacefully if the vet says the surgery doesn't have a good chance of success and at 2 years old she really is very elderly. It's never easy when we are faced with this decision. I had a dwarf hamster who had an inoperable tumor, the vet suggested I place her on palliative care till she wasn't her normal self anymore. She was ok for a while but then when the tumor got too big I had to make the decision to let her go. I knew it was time because she started biting me when she never had previously also she was struggling to carry out her normal behaviours. 🙁 you know your hamster best and I'm sure whatever decision you make will be the right one.
It seems like Aja has taken the decision out of our hands. She was doing really well, behaving very normally, when suddenly, on the way to the vet appointment, she suffered a major neurological event. She began seizing, had fixed pupils when the vet was able to examine her, and the vet thought she had suffered a catastrophic stroke or similar neurological issue and that euthanasia would be the kindest option. So my daughter (her 'mom') and I decided it would better to just help her pass. She will very much be missed, she was a a lovely ham, but I'm comforted by the fact that it was REALLY quick and that she was running around digging in the corners and checking out food literally moments before going into this ictal state... she literally never knew what hit her. Thanks for the support, we will very much miss her.
I am so sorry little Aja has passed over to the bridge :hug: She was very loved and she will have known just how much you all cared x

Sleep tight little one 🌈
So sorry for your loss. She sounded like a lovely hamster.
I really want to thank everyone for their kind words here for Aja. So many people will say, "It's just a hamster" or "It's just a guinea pig" when you lose a little guy. It is so nice to know that no one here will say that and everyone understands that the little guys are just as important as any other animal that we've chosen to take into our families and care for.

I just wanted to post my last picture of Aja... I took it literally about an hour before she passed. I got her out to get ready for the vet appointment and gave her some snacks and let her run around on me... it's so hard to believe she's gone, it was so sudden, but at least I know that she really never knew what hit her. She was just going about her hammy business until literally ten minutes before she passed.

Rest in peace, Aja. I love you. Thanks for being a part of our family.
She's beautiful. She looks like she's smiling in that picture