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Post splenectomy and spaying problem


New Born Pup
Sep 15, 2024
Reaction score
Hello, this is my first time writing here and I hope I can find some answers and help 😔
One of my ladies (3 years old) went through splenectomy because of a tumor and spaying because of cysts at the same time this Tuesday 10/09.
The surgery went well, she was eating immediately after that, not as much as before but still has appetite and interest in food. She stayed at the clinic for 2 nights so they can monitor her and on Thursday we brought her home. Everything was explained by the vets how to take care of her after this big surgery and I am doing everything to make her feel comfortable.
After we brought her home she was interested in her veggies, ate some, ate hay, ate her pellets and was drinking water as well ( this was probably the 3 time that I saw her drinking and she is still drinking a lot more than before, I guess that is good, so she can stay hydrated). Unfortunately she started having some really soft and smelly poops and when she is trying to poop sometimes she is making noise like she feels pain, I can see her trying to pass the poo. She is pooping but her droppings are very small, each and every is a different shape, thin and long, round and are sticking together. I stopped her veggies, the vets told me to give her Degan every 12 hours, not 8, because this can cause the soft and smelly droppings. So yes, the droppings got firmer but still strange shapes and she still looks in pain when passing a dropping.
Also her pee when fresh is like normal color but when it starts drying turns pinkish/light purple. The vets told me that it’s normal for the pee to be pinkish because of the surgery, but still it’s odd to me that it changes color.
She is on Anagin 500mg/ml - 0.1ml every 8 hours, meloxicam - 0.2ml once a day, vit C - 1ml once a day, and I stopped today her Degan - 0.1ml.
What could be the reason for the pain when passing droppings and the shapes of them 5 days post op? Is this normal after such op? What can I do to ease her pain? Any advise and suggestions will really help us.
Also we have a booked appointment for Tuesday to check her.
Sorry for the long post but wanted to explain everything and I hope I can get some answers for my sweet girl 😔😔
Thank you all in advance! ❤️
Hello, this is my first time writing here and I hope I can find some answers and help 😔
One of my ladies (3 years old) went through splenectomy because of a tumor and spaying because of cysts at the same time this Tuesday 10/09.
The surgery went well, she was eating immediately after that, not as much as before but still has appetite and interest in food. She stayed at the clinic for 2 nights so they can monitor her and on Thursday we brought her home. Everything was explained by the vets how to take care of her after this big surgery and I am doing everything to make her feel comfortable.
After we brought her home she was interested in her veggies, ate some, ate hay, ate her pellets and was drinking water as well ( this was probably the 3 time that I saw her drinking and she is still drinking a lot more than before, I guess that is good, so she can stay hydrated). Unfortunately she started having some really soft and smelly poops and when she is trying to poop sometimes she is making noise like she feels pain, I can see her trying to pass the poo. She is pooping but her droppings are very small, each and every is a different shape, thin and long, round and are sticking together. I stopped her veggies, the vets told me to give her Degan every 12 hours, not 8, because this can cause the soft and smelly droppings. So yes, the droppings got firmer but still strange shapes and she still looks in pain when passing a dropping.
Also her pee when fresh is like normal color but when it starts drying turns pinkish/light purple. The vets told me that it’s normal for the pee to be pinkish because of the surgery, but still it’s odd to me that it changes color.
She is on Anagin 500mg/ml - 0.1ml every 8 hours, meloxicam - 0.2ml once a day, vit C - 1ml once a day, and I stopped today her Degan - 0.1ml.
What could be the reason for the pain when passing droppings and the shapes of them 5 days post op? Is this normal after such op? What can I do to ease her pain? Any advise and suggestions will really help us.
Also we have a booked appointment for Tuesday to check her.
Sorry for the long post but wanted to explain everything and I hope I can get some answers for my sweet girl 😔😔
Thank you all in advance! ❤️


WOW - that is quite a major operation and will take some time to recover from. Right now you are still in the phase where your first priority is stabilisation since the healing process has not yet had many days to get going and still a lot of work to do. It can sometimes take weeks or even months for the weight to fully bounce back again depending on the recovery.

Degan is another brandname for metoclopramide, which is a gut stimulant.
Anagin is a painkiller; I am not familiar with the brand; just so other members can understand the medication as well.

Please step in with daily weight monitoring and feeding support. What you really need to replace is the hay, which makes over three quarters of the daily food intake - you cannot control that by eye unfortunately.

This guide here explains it all about weight/food intake monitoring to help you understand what the different measures bring to the table and what they cannot do. This is very important with the recovery from a major operation like yours:

Here is our support feeding guide, which also contains a chapter with practical tips on how to improvise in a pinch. See whether top up feeding helps with the poo quality. If not, see whether taking fresh veg off will help. You may also want to look at probiotics or 'poo soup' (i.e. live healthy gut microbiome transfer) from a companion not on antibiotics or major pain medication - but it needs to be correctly done).

Wishing your poorly girl all the best.

WOW - that is quite a major operation and will take some time to recover from. Right now you are still in the phase where your first priority is stabilisation since the healing process has not yet had many days to get going and still a lot of work to do. It can sometimes take weeks or even months for the weight to fully bounce back again depending on the recovery.

Degan is another brandname for metoclopramide, which is a gut stimulant.
Anagin is a painkiller; I am not familiar with the brand; just so other members can understand the medication as well.

Please step in with daily weight monitoring and feeding support. What you really need to replace is the hay, which makes over three quarters of the daily food intake - you cannot control that by eye unfortunately.

This guide here explains it all about weight/food intake monitoring to help you understand what the different measures bring to the table and what they cannot do. This is very important with the recovery from a major operation like yours:

Here is our support feeding guide, which also contains a chapter with practical tips on how to improvise in a pinch. See whether top up feeding helps with the poo quality. If not, see whether taking fresh veg off will help. You may also want to look at probiotics or 'poo soup' (i.e. live healthy gut microbiome transfer) from a companion not on antibiotics or major pain medication - but it needs to be correctly done).

Wishing your poorly girl all the best.
Thank you very, very much! ❤️ I will read it all so I can help her recover. And yes, quite a surgery for a little piggy, I am very proud of her that after all that she is somehow managing everything.. 😔
They both are very important to me and I know that they do not live as long as us, but I want them to have the best life with us for as long as possible! ❤🥺
Sending healing vibes to your piggy after such a big procedure.

It sounds like you are doing all you can for her. Weight checks are so important with a sick piggy. Good luck. It can be exhausting caring for a sick piggy.
Thank you very, very much! ❤️ I will read it all so I can help her recover. And yes, quite a surgery for a little piggy, I am very proud of her that after all that she is somehow managing everything.. 😔
They both are very important to me and I know that they do not live as long as us, but I want them to have the best life with us for as long as possible! ❤🥺

It takes 10-14 days for normal operation scars to knit, depending on the age and the extent of the operation. You will be at the upper end, so you are only about halfway through with not just one but several internal scars as well.

Just try to work to keep the weight stable at the moment and to keep her as comfortable as you can.

Contact your vet immediately if your precious girl is suddenly losing her appetite and/or is looking lethargic or develops a swelling - these are signs of a potential infection or abscess, which is the most common post-op complication after a bad reaction to general anaesthetics (GA), which yours thankfully hasn't had. Infections are more typical from about 10 days onwards and will require a strong antibiotic. I sincerely hope that you won't have that problem but it is good know what to look out for and what to do.

Wishing you all the best.
Wow - that sounds like major surgery for your girl. Wiebke has given great advice above. It’s going to take her some time to return to normality after such a big op. I hope she goes from strength to strength.