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Post op- what is this?


Adult Guinea Pig
May 1, 2020
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
Daft question but what is this? It was stuck to Cyrils penis so assuming boar glue? IMG_20220301_194415849.webp
Defo boar glue!
Looks like dried boar glue to me 🤢 Is it hard and sticky? Boars!
Thank you both. I was a bit baffled at first because of the amount that there was. I was there for ages thinking what food I'd given him that may have gotten stuck😅 Yes Claire, it's both hard and sticky. :vom:
Thank you both. I was a bit baffled at first because of the amount that there was. I was there for ages thinking what food I'd given him that may have gotten stuck😅 Yes Claire, it's both hard and sticky. :vom:

Boars can produce quite an amount of 'juice', can't they - and get it into all kinds of rather unlikely places, too!
Boars can produce quite an amount of 'juice', can't they - and get it into all kinds of rather unlikely places, too!
I honestly don't know how I've only just encountered it. I have 4 boars the oldest being 18 months old, and this is the first time I've seen it. Cyril, what have you been up to while you were at the vets?!
I honestly don't know how I've only just encountered it. I have 4 boars the oldest being 18 months old, and this is the first time I've seen it. Cyril, what have you been up to while you were at the vets?!

He must have got a bit excited...

Teenage and young adulthood is what I call the 'juiciest' time. Things will gradually settle down from there, similarly to the testosterone levels.