One of our boys went in for surgery a couple days ago for a spur on his tooth and since he came home he doesn’t seem like himself. He’s had little appetite and has even been turning his nose up at his favourite treats, his eyes seem a bit crusty, he’s very lethargic and is sleeping a lot more than usual, and although he is normally the more dominant piggie of the pair he’s become more submissive.
He was sent home with Loxicom (an anti-inflammatory) and had his first lot yesterday.
It’s almost been 48 hours since his surgery so I was wondering if these were normal after anaesthetic or side effects of his medication or if I should be worried?
He was sent home with Loxicom (an anti-inflammatory) and had his first lot yesterday.
It’s almost been 48 hours since his surgery so I was wondering if these were normal after anaesthetic or side effects of his medication or if I should be worried?