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Dental Post-op concerns


New Born Pup
Jul 23, 2021
Reaction score
One of our boys went in for surgery a couple days ago for a spur on his tooth and since he came home he doesn’t seem like himself. He’s had little appetite and has even been turning his nose up at his favourite treats, his eyes seem a bit crusty, he’s very lethargic and is sleeping a lot more than usual, and although he is normally the more dominant piggie of the pair he’s become more submissive.
He was sent home with Loxicom (an anti-inflammatory) and had his first lot yesterday.
It’s almost been 48 hours since his surgery so I was wondering if these were normal after anaesthetic or side effects of his medication or if I should be worried?
Tips For Post-operative Care
After dental,surgery guinea pigs usually need plenty of pain relief and also support feeding. The effects of general anaesthetic usually wear off within 24 hours.
Please switch to weighing at the same time daily to check for weight stability/loss. Please step in with syringe feeding. I will link you the guides.
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
What dosage of loxicom has he been given and is it daily or twice daily?
Please speak to your vets if you have any concerns.
Just got back from taking him to vets after calling telling them I was concerned so they could check him over
They’ve weighed him and he’s lost a little so he’s on science selective recovery formula and he’s been giving an injection to get his gut moving
He’s on 0.23ml of Loxicom once a day
Hopefully he should start perking up again soon and he’s got his post-op check next week anyway
so sorry your little piggie is not picking up so well but hopefully once the anaesthesia has worn off he will feel brighter. It is so important to get his guts working, so do try feed him every 2-3 hours about 10 ml of the critical care. if you run out then you can soak pellet in warm water to create a mush too. Provide a bowl of Plain dry porridge oats in the cage and try hand feeding him little bit of veggies too. If he is used to grass you could try to offer some of that too. Pain relief is very important, glad you got the Loxicom I would ask your vet if you can give him it twice a day as it‘s quite a low dose and GP’s tolerate it very well. My rainbow dental piggie Ted was on 0.4 ml twice a day, that gave him really good pain relief while his mouth was very sore. The vet usually calculates it by weight.
Your submissive piggie is seeing his opportunity to be the dominant partner while your other piggie is poorly, this is quite normal. once your poorly boy is feeling better then that may well change back again.
so sorry your little piggie is not picking up so well but hopefully once the anaesthesia has worn off he will feel brighter. It is so important to get his guts working, so do try feed him every 2-3 hours about 10 ml of the critical care. if you run out then you can soak pellet in warm water to create a mush too. Provide a bowl of Plain dry porridge oats in the cage and try hand feeding him little bit of veggies too. If he is used to grass you could try to offer some of that too. Pain relief is very important, glad you got the Loxicom I would ask your vet if you can give him it twice a day as it‘s quite a low dose and GP’s tolerate it very well. My rainbow dental piggie Ted was on 0.4 ml twice a day, that gave him really good pain relief while his mouth was very sore. The vet usually calculates it by weight.
Your submissive piggie is seeing his opportunity to be the dominant partner while your other piggie is poorly, this is quite normal. once your poorly boy is feeling better then that may well change back again.
Thankfully after his injection at the vets yesterday and syringe feeding him his recovery formula every 2-3 he seems to have perked up a bit today
I’m sure he’ll be putting the other piggie back in his place in no time now!😅
That sounds like a very positive update. Keep up the good work.
Aw, hope he makes a full recovery and he’s “top dog” in no time x
Update on Carlo: He’s doing a lot better now and seems to be back to himself. After a couple days of syringe feeding he seems to have had enough and isn’t accepting it as easily any more but is back to eating his veggies and hay again, still a bit too sore for his pellets still I think. He’s got his post-op check up on Thursday so hoping he’s going to be given the all clear then🤞🏻
Update on Carlo: He’s doing a lot better now and seems to be back to himself. After a couple days of syringe feeding he seems to have had enough and isn’t accepting it as easily any more but is back to eating his veggies and hay again, still a bit too sore for his pellets still I think. He’s got his post-op check up on Thursday so hoping he’s going to be given the all clear then🤞🏻
Good to hear he’s feeling brighter. You can always soften his pellets with a bit of warm water of that’s easier for him to manage himself. Hope the post op check goes well.
If he is back eating hay then that’s the most important part of there diet and it will keep his teeth worn dow, great news x