Post op annotations

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Liverpool, UK
Lots of you will probably have experienced something similar, but I thought I'd just report my little post op lady's progress and evolving behaviour!

On the day she got back, within an hour I would say we could hear crying, her eyes were very retracted, she was hunched and very 'hard' looking. very cold. So we got her some warm towels and encouraged her to eat a few home grown tomatoes.. She took the food and stockpiled infront of her.. nibbling on it inbetween falling asleep on it. Her sister was very careful and protective around her.. Very sweet..

Yesterday when I got home from work I managed to get some critical care from the vet for free, I wrapepd Dt up in a towel who very eagerly drank up her painkillers and then nommed about 3ml of critical care (I probably made it up a bit too watery).. She savaged some basil and a bit more pepper and cucumber. We got some wheat/barley hay out and she went crazy for it! Then we popped her back.. noticed a bit of spotting on the white towel I had her on.. I assume the disturbance had pulled her stitching a little.

Last night before bed she hardly touched the timmothy hay but got very comfy on the pillow I gave her, she doesnt move much at all but looks keen and bright. Leeland tried to come up once or twice to steal the cusion but DT made motions to bite her! Never seen that before. But no escalation. Leeland got the message and disappeared for 10 minutes. Eventually the rumbling got the better of her and DT was displaced. She flips between self protective to intimidated every so often. I set up another cusion but it wasn't the sweet spot obviously. They bullied each other intermittantly throughout the night but I had to go to bed at 10pm for an early shift this morning so couldnt stay with her. I wondered about splitting them but there is no chasing.. just lots of sounds and bums in faces.

This morning DT had the cusion, neither of them had touched the hay so much. I do wonder if that is actually normal, as usually it looks like they have had more because the rack is empty and the cage is strewn with it thinly... but today the hay was still clumped in the corner and the rack nearly full. :/ I put in some fresh stuff in two piles so DT could get some without Leeland eating it all first. They both tucked in.. I've asked the OH to top it up and tidy up before he goes to work - (so she's not lying her stitches on the hay!) and when I get home at 6 tonight I will give her some (less watery) critical care. no more than 10mls in one go but I doubt she will want more than 5 after having her pain killers as well.

her poops have been tiny and less frequent.. there are also a couple of squishy ones (not diarrhoea looking unless they get trampled). I'm wondering how long to keep the critical care up for. I don't like getting her out every day and bothering her stitches up. I know she should be healed by 10 days which is fast but I'm not comfortable tilting her upwards, stretching her skin and making the stomach muscles tense up. Surely the vet would have had to cut the muscle tissue to get to the cysts and ovaries etc.

Anyway, enough of my waffling. I might update the thread if anything else interesting happens!
Hi there

Small and infrequent poops are a sign that not enough food/fluids are going in. An adult pig that is not eating any dry food for themselves requires 120ml of syringe food over 24 hrs - 20-30ml per feed. The Critical Care needs to be made to the correct consistency so that your pig is getting enough (please post if your sachet does not give the amount of water required). After 5ml of CC give 2-3ml of water/bio-lapis. Dehydration can be a problem with post-op pigs so please ensure that fluids are given in addition to the CC, it is not enough on it's own.

Additional meds may be required to help the gut to function, metaclopramide or zan-tac so please contact your vet should her condition deteriorate in anyway.

Suzy x
Hi Suzy,

Thanks for that, it's helpful to hear! The particular formula I was given states the whole packet should be made up with 70ml of water and fed at 10ml intervals over the course of the day. I believe the small poops were from the day of operation (being day before yesterday). She didn't poop on the day of the op, and yesterday were her first poops. She also hardly ate on the first day. Yesterday she ate breakfast and then ate hay for about 3 minutes (that I could see).. I didnt see how muh she ate through the day. Then when I got home she had the painkillers, 5mls of critical care (before spitting out and gargling the rest all over my hands) about 30gms of fresh food and made a very good attempt at the hay. She took it in baby steps so I came down every other hour to tempt her with more fresh hay (she wouldn't accept what was left in the cage so I left that for her sis) until I went to bed. She also got another dinner/hay last night and her breakfast/hay this morning. I'll be home at 6 tonight to repeat. I noticed the poops this morning were a fair bit longer.. I will continue with the critical care until I can't tell who's poops are whose!

My only concern is her hay intake.. she likes food, but is slow with the hay. I might take her out tonight and leave her in my bed until my own bedtime. That way I can give her crit care every hour and a half without picking her up awkwardly from the cage! Also, getting new scales today cos the needle on my old ones fell off yesterday so can't give weights just yet.
Hi. I don't have much advice really but didn't want to just read and run. One of my girls, Eleanor, had an op on Friday to have 4 lumps removed from her belly.

She has been doing really well after her surgery and is now back in the shed with her 3 friends (she stayed indoors for a couple of nights with one of her friends who went to the vets with her for company). My vet said she was well enough to go back to the shed after he saw her on Monday.

Anyway, I have noticed that Ellie is a bit slow eating her hay although she is munching away on everything else like there is no tomorrow!

Have you checked her stitches? It is rare that a pig fusses with their stitches but it can happen. What stitches did your vet use? Ellie has disolvable ones.

Have you taken your pig back to the vets for a post op check? Ideally this should be done within 3 days of the surgery.
Hey there,
yeah the vet said the cysts were *extensive*.. he said the op went on way longer than he would have liked and was really worried about over sedating so he didn't use (interdermal?) dissolvables.. he just gave her 5 or 6 rough big stiches. I gave her a check up yesterday and cleaned her with salt water. There is no oozing or picking, just a tiny bit of light red when I moved her over yesterday. She spends most of the time lying on a towel as flat as a pancake and snoozing.

The next vets appointment is tomorrow 10am. I'm going to ask about pro biotics aswell!
and good to hear about your girl aswell! My girls are both indoors so it was just a massive steralisation of the bowls/ cage (they're in a 140 ferplast).. take all the toys out, but they are on paper and a washed cusion which I put a clean towel on twice a day.. a towel over one corner like a tent so they have cover (without needing to awkwardly dig people out) and a new tube to run through.. they're going to be stoked when/if she gets the all clear and they can have their old set up again!
Aww bless. I was told it takes the body a good 2 to 3 days to start getting back to normal so if her cysts were extensive, it may take her a while longer.

Don't worry about her snapping at her sister. Ellie did that too. It will be her way of saying 'back off'.

Good luck at the vets tomorrow xx
aww cheers! I'm sure he'll be made up with her. It was so nice to speak to a vet so knowledgeable on guineas and he said despite the tricky surgery she was doing superbly on the day. I'm certain if she keeps up the positive attitude she's been having and I can entice her with some more crit care he'll be super happy with her progress. I just wanna weigh her now! she was 1.2kg's befor the op.. I reckon she might be 9.5 now maybe? We'll see tonight!

DT sends thankyou kissies for helping her mummy look after her! ^)
GOOD NEWS! Weighed her yesterday she was 1040gms.. she ate the critical care like it was custard! Just wolfed it down.. even tried to get her face in the little ramakin I made it up in! Oxbow critical care is the best.

Took her to the vets today and the vet was ultra pleased at the stitches and at her appearance and personality! He said she was a real bright one :D We weighed her again and now she is 1100! She had eaten quite a whopping brekky (including nuggets, a bit of hay, 10ml of oxbow, pepper, cucumber, a whole cherry tomato and a couple of leaves of basil!) so I'm not massively surprised. But her poops are getting bigger and less wet and she even screamed for me this morning.. first major noise since before the op! xx>>>

I'm gonna post some pics in the story section :))
Weight yesterday 1080 and today 1100.. she's caught up with sister :D Wont be feeding critical care anymore now but it's ashame.. she LOVES it. haha
Well 8 days in and I rushed Dt to the vets this morning because she has been bleeding from her stitches. Vets say its not blood but a blood tinged fluid which develops in a pocket which is caused by a reaction to the stitches and is leaking out. I've had to leave them in the vets whilst they spend some time with her and decide whether to give her glue to plug the opening where the bleeding is. I'll be going to denmark for a week now so hopefully my housemate will be able to look after them. I feel absolutely terrible leaving them behind! Heal faster little lady!
Aww, I am sorry you have had this set back :( but it is good that you took her to the vets straight away.I had a pig once who was glued right down her tummy. She nibbled at it slightly and had to go back to the vet to be 're glued'.
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