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Post malocclusion feeding


New Born Pup
Oct 16, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all, my 3yr old boar Pbody stopped eating solids 4 weeks ago, we started syringe feeding as soon as we noticed he wasn't eating his dinner as normal, after a few visits to our local vet we were reffered to the exotics centre at RVC Camden and they performed a dental to file down his back teeth and free his tongue. This was 2 weeks ago. Since then he's on metacam gabapentim and ranitidine.

He's eating his critical care well 5 times a day, although some feeds are a challenge, and he's managing small pieces of tomato, and his nuggets crushed up and moisted, but still no hay or grass, I'm worried if he doesn't start eating then soon his teeth will over grow again.

Any tips on reintroducing hay grass and veggies would be very very appreciated, and also any suggestions to make syringe feed more appetising, I've tried adding baby puree, different syringe feeds(emeraid, critical care regular and fine grind, and recovery plus)

Thank you in advance x
So sorry to hear your poor piggie is having dental problems. Please weigh him everyday at the same time and keep a none of his weight. Ideally he needs to be maintaining that weight. If he is losing weight then you will need to increase the critical care and hand feed him his favourite food to encourage him. it
I’s a fine balancing act, bearing in mind they have a normal fluctuation of 40 g per day, look at the trend over some days.
Can you mash a little banana into his cc and give a small bowl of dry porridge oats? Have you tried grated foods like sweet potato or carrots, beetroot sticks out of salad bags? hand feeding can help them get eating again, they do lose confidence after an op and/or struggle to eat beforehand.
You are correct, that unless they start eating grass or hay that their teeth will start to grow back again, it’s a horrible vicious circle, I’ve been there.
Can I suggest if no improvement to get a referral to Simon or Kim Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Clinic in Northampton, they are the most experienced dental piggie vets in the UK they do conscious dentals and get most piggies eating straight away. No anaesthetic is used and it takes around 10 minutes and the piggie suffers
no dangerous after effects of operations like gut statis, it’s cheaper too

Good luck, I hope he starts to eat soon x
Piggy is maintaining weight-ish, fluctuations of 10-15g per day, we're doing 12-15ml feeds at least 5 times a day. I'm worried that his front teeth have now overgrown /are misaligned. I've requested another appointment at our local vet. I called the cat and Rabbit clinic in Northampton on Saturday but they need my vet to refer him in order to see him and I don't know if they will as he's got another appointment at RVC on 22/12, but that's 9 days away and they only do dental under GA.

Picture of incisors, what do you guys think?


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From looking at that picture, I really don't think it would be correct to wait until 22nd December. Please speak with your vet today and ask if they would refer you to the Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic. Hopefully they will do that and you can get an appointment this week.
Fingers crossed for your little piggie, I would ask them to refer you, be polite but firm with them, that usually works for me x