Post death question…


New Born Pup
Jul 6, 2022
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Sadly my guinea pigs i have gotten 2 years ago she lost her sister last night… she died in my lap i cuddled her and gave her tons of kisses throughout her whole process of passing away..i was just gonna take her to the vet but by the time i was able to get into a place it was way to late :/ , now she is all by herself and i work 8 hours a day and i feel so bad for her that she has to be alone i tried my best to leave my TV on and give her lots of treats and love before i leave for work.

She is still eating and drinking and walking around ofc not as much as she would when her sister was still here, but to my knowledge she is acting like she has always acted.

I feel so shitty excuse my language but i just feel so bad that she has to stay home alone for a long period of time everyday without me and i don’t plan on getting another piggie and she’s only about 2 years old so she has a a lot of time ahead of her.. will she be fine should i be worried i need some closure on this situation
I’m so sorry for your loss.

She does have a lot of life ahead of her, and I’m afraid too long to contemplate her spending the rest of it without another piggy friend.
No amount of tv or human companionship is enough as it doesn’t replace the interaction they get from another piggy.

Could you reconsider and get another friend for her? It would be in her best interests.
It doesn’t have to be immediately, as both you and her need time to grieve. Provided she is still eating and maintaining her weight, then she will be ok alone for a few weeks but she will need another friend beyond that.

Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
There are a couple things you can do to find her a new friend. As said above as she is only 2, she really would be needing a friend.
I will give some examples of different routes people take, but everyone’s journey is different.

You can reach out to rescues, find a similar aged girl to put with your girl.
You may also want to look at a neutered boar.

You can sometimes foster a pig from a rescue, basically taking in a sow of any age and then her being able to go back if your girl was to pass away, leaving them alone.

You could give your girl to a rescue, who would find her a suitable mate and a new home if you really were not up to the task of getting another pig.
Definitely not an easy thing to do, but that could be what you want.

You could get a baby from a pet store, this is not “recommended” as there are so many piggies that need homes in rescues.
We would urge you to think about rescuing before doing this, but at the end of the day there isn’t any shame in doing this.

I know this is really tough, and as said you can take some time to allow yourself to grieve, but it is in your girls best interests to find her a friend.
I chose not to get another pig when I lost Timmy aged 7.5. My rationale was that at 7.5 Jenny wouldn’t live long and I didn’t want a constant cycle of piggies. I love mine dearly but we won’t be getting more. Nearly 18 months later Jenny is still going! And I feel guilt every time I see her alone. I regret not getting her another buddy.

Two is far too young to condemn her to a life alone. If you aren’t in a position to arrange a companion then you might need to think about if the right thing to do for her is to let her become a companion pig in another family.
I'm so sorry for your loss. We just lost one of our pigs last month and I know all too well how much it hurts. That said, guinea pigs really do thrive with other guinea pigs. At only two, your remaining girl has a potentially long life ahead without companionship and it's very much in her interest to find her a companion. All the best to you as you go forward, I know it's hard!