Possibly the weirdest question on here...

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Mar 4, 2012
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Heart of the National Forest
Has anyone else experienced a piggie trying to get at a dog?

The dog refuses to go in the garden (where their big run is) or the room where their cages are. To save time now the nights are drawing in I'm bringing the guineas down in their crates, two in one and three in the other.

As I can't close the door while still holding both crates I put the one containing Bella, Mimi and Dido on the floor to give me a free hand. As I was watching the dog while I shut the door I saw her face change from 'what's this?' to 'I don't like this' and discovered Bella on her hind legs pushing at the door to get at the dog. Thankfully I'd shut it properly but I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar?
My guinea pig Maple sniffs noses with my puppy. (But I monitor them if the puppy (rarely) comes in the guinea's room with my permission. :)
Mine do this allll the time.... Bella(my dog) will put her nose in the cage and the girls will nip a Bella's nose. When Bella tries to lick them the girls will start running away!:)):))
My dogs and pigs are very close. I'm convinced the pigs like my dogs more than me. Mine have a cage inside of a large run indoor which they have total free run 24/7 off. My dogs are small dogs so can fit the nose in the bars. My pigs sniff nose to nose and I've often caught my youngest dog and my biggest pig blaster fat asleep touching through the bars lol.

Thank you!

Cheers - glad to hear I'm not the only one with a piggie who's got an interest in dogs. I was beginning to think I was inhabiting some sort of surreal parallel universe. The other four and Phebe (the dog) appear to have a policy of ignoring each other but not my Bella!
I can't guarantee that you aren't inhabiting a surreal parallel universe! ;) I know that I am, most of the time! My dog & cat & piggies don't really take much notice of each other at all. x>>
My girl Pumpkin (RIP) was very interested in our dog. While in her run, I'd play fetch with my dog willow in the garden as willow ran to fetch the ball pumpkin would follow her as far as the run would allow her to, then as willow ran back pumpkin would run back with her. :))
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