Possibly The Best Job Ever!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2014
Reaction score
Brisbane, OLD Australia
So i have found my Job! ....... Pet Sitting! I just love animals so there is no better job than this. Sure it does not pay too much like you would not be able to have this as your full time job but i think it's great! Mom and Dad agreed which is a first! :) I will however only animal sit small dogs (nothing bigger than a beagle as i have a small dog and guinea pigs) and small animals if there is a chance someone might post an add like that. The one i am currently looking at is great! You get $15 a day and the person drops off their dog at 6:30am and picks it up at 3pm :D This would be great to save up money for that new piggie hutch I really want to get! I would get $75 a week so in 2 weeks I'm able to buy the hutch! :D :yahoo: :drool: :tu:
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Excellent news. It's great that you are willing to work for the money to pay for the upkeep of your pigs and great news that's you got the job. Well done!
Your so lucky, my parents would never let do anything like that! Hope it goes well.:D
Congratulations. You will get tons of experience. By the way, any update on the little mouse you were getting?
Congratulations. You will get tons of experience. By the way, any update on the little mouse you were getting?
Yes! I decided to rescue instead :) I'm getting Tod from the QLD guinea pig refuge.
Your so lucky, my parents would never let do anything like that! Hope it goes well.:D
Yes, It is horrible when parents don't agree :( The only reason they let me is because I'm going to pay for everything for my pets. It's funny because when i want a pet they never agree like this.... :doh:
Tod is so beautiful!:clap:Is owning mice much different to owning piggies?
Tod is so beautiful!:clap:Is owning mice much different to owning piggies?
Well I don't know yet :P It might not be, they just don't eat everything out of the whole fridge everyday like the pigs do :lol!: They must be nice, just going to have to get used to handling them as they seem quick like gerbils! :eek:
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