My girl Bonnie is almost 4. She’s steadily lost 200g over the last two months. She’s acting completely normal and eating and drinking well. The vet (an exotic that sees a lot of guineas, she’s on the vet list here) found an ovarian cyst on one side (which has grown in the last month) and what she thinks is a tumour on her other side. She also has other small lumps on her belly but the vet reckons these are nothing to worry about. Vet put her on pain relief on Tuesday to see if her weight goes up as she may be hiding pain. Her behaviour is still the same and weight is still going down. Vet said she could do an x-Ray and ultrasound and giving her a little gas to do this as she’s very wriggly. Really torn what to do. She’s happy right now but she can’t continue to lose weight. Everyday I weigh her and everyday I think she’s going to go downhill. If I put her through sedation for further tests will I even go ahead with an operation. I’m not sure if I want to put her through that when there appears to be multiple issues going on with her abdomen and from what I’ve read guineas ops for abdominal tumours don’t usually end well.