Possible success

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Aug 19, 2010
Reaction score
Gloucester, UK
Well the boys have been tearing strips off each other for the last couple of days, although today they had been pretty good...at one point all three were out together eating and no real issues. Then all hell broke lose and Bugsy and Snickers really went for each other.. Luckily neither drew blood but a lot of fur went flying!

I rang a friend of mine for a chat and she asked how the boys were and when I told her they were fighting she said she had a cage I could have if I needed to separate them...well this new cage is HUGE...at least three times the size of mine and so I put them in it...and so far so good! Bugsy is still giving Snickers a wide berth but it seems fine...little bit of hip swaying and chattering fromtime to time but neither have launched themselves at each other and Cadbury has stopped trying to hide in one of their toilet roll tubes lol!
Hoping the extra space is what your guys need and they can get along well now. To be on the safe side, make sure that any hidey places have two exits so nobody gets cornered ;)

I feel your stress after bonding my lot just yesterday too!
I've put some extra hideys in the new cage which Cadbury has moved into...he and Bugsy still haven't bonded but they're not fighting and if Cadbury feels a bit hemmed in he nips whoever it is so they back off.
You and me both! I really want Bugsy and Snickers to be friends again as they were so close...any ideas why they have fallen out so majorly? Or us it just the stroppy stage? They were about ten weeks old when I got them and I've had them for about 4 months now so that would make them...what 6.5months old?
I would imagine that they've hit the stroppy teenage phase. Also when you add a new pig to a group there will inevitably be a resurgence of dominance issues as everyone has to fall into the new pecking order. Sounds as if the new boy has accepted his place at the bottom of the groups and the other 2 are re-establishing where they stand. :)
You could be right...Bugsy always lived in the house whilst Snickers lived on the top most of the time...and now it's reversed...plus Snickers was always the more placid and friendly whereas now Bugsy likes a cuddle but I think that might be down to getting him away from Snickers for a bit of peace and quiet. I hope they sort it out because I really don't like to see them fighting.
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