Possible Squabbling?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
My piggies really are coming out of their shells. They are now eating better and venturing out a lot more. I even had piggy kisses on my neck this morning from Jip, it really tickled and Gromit did a nose to nose rub with me.
As they are becoming more confident I have started to notice more squabbling.
In the video it starts with Jip making some odd noises and then it turns into a squabble. Is this just sibling bickering?
Apologies for a long video ;/

:D Aaaawwww, what cuties! Am I right in thinking that they are all boys? Trio's of boys seldom work out. The behaviour seen in the video is completely normal; they are just rumble-strutting to show dominance and there was a bit of pop-corning too, so they are all quite happy for now. But if they are all boys, the disagreements will get worse as they reach 4 months old and their hormones kick in. One of them will inevitably have to be separated. Boys need more space than girls. Even though they are tiny now, that cage still looks too small for them. Even if they are all girls, you are going to have to get them a much bigger cage, maybe a C and C cage, as they get bigger.
:D Aaaawwww, what cuties! Am I right in thinking that they are all boys? Trio's of boys seldom work out. The behaviour seen in the video is completely normal; they are just rumble-strutting to show dominance and there was a bit of pop-corning too, so they are all quite happy for now. But if they are all boys, the disagreements will get worse as they reach 4 months old and their hormones kick in. One of them will inevitably have to be separated. Boys need more space than girls. Even though they are tiny now, that cage still looks too small for them. Even if they are all girls, you are going to have to get them a much bigger cage, maybe a C and C cage, as they get bigger.

Normally they popcorn in the evenings lol and me and the kids find it extremely funny to watch. Yes they are all boys. I agree about the cage being to small, I have been looking into various cages as our original intention was for them to live outside in a hutch and run but after being in this forum I've decided against it and decided to keep them indoors. I have had a good look at the C&C cages and I really like how some people have set them up. We would go for the larger size.

When we went and got them we only really wanted one but was advised two was better and 3 brothers would work. So we went for the three as my heart really couldn't leave the last one behind ;( I have back up plans for the separation if and when it happens but I am hoping the bigger the cage maybe the better chance of a successful trio. They really do need a bigger cage now rather than later as they are growing fast and becoming more energetic, so i totally agree with you.
:tu: Fantastic! Looks like you've got everything sorted. I hope it works out for you, and you can keep all three together. Even if you do have to separate one, he can still live next door to his brothers in an adjacent cage. You have read the advice on this forum, so you know that you will have to have two or three of everything, which will take up cage space. Wishing you luck with your gorgeous boys! :tu::tu: I don't blame you for taking all three. It would have broken my heart to leave one behind, and how could you choose two out of those three?!
:tu: Fantastic! Looks like you've got everything sorted. I hope it works out for you, and you can keep all three together. Even if you do have to separate one, he can still live next door to his brothers in an adjacent cage. You have read the advice on this forum, so you know that you will have to have two or three of everything, which will take up cage space. Wishing you luck with your gorgeous boys! :tu::tu: I don't blame you for taking all three. It would have broken my heart to leave one behind, and how could you choose two out of those three?!

I really would love them to stay together but I do realise I was misinformed by their previous owner and 3 Boars rarely do work, even if they are brothers, I may be lucky and fall in that 10% that do work but only time will tell. Yes they would live side by side and have floor time together if that worked.
I am still very much learning as i have never owned them before but this forum is a gold mine for info and advice. I've only had them just over a week and its amazing how much I've picked up.
I really couldn't choose between the three of them, I felt so guilty leaving one behind lol

:D I've been keeping guinea pigs for nearly 20 years, and I think I know quite a bit about them. But I am learning more and more from this forum. It's great!
:D I've been keeping guinea pigs for nearly 20 years, and I think I know quite a bit about them. But I am learning more and more from this forum. It's great!

Awe :) My mum had guinea pigs when she was younger so she adores them. My only concern is bloat and stasis as i've recently lost a fur baby to this and I was shocked to realise Piggies can suffer it too. They are the most adorable, delightful little things with overloaded characters lol. I recently got a new TV and it was probably a waste of money as my piggies are now my main source of entertainment, they are funny to watch xx
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