New Born Pup
Hello, I have recently got two male piggies from the pet store as I wanted to improve their lives. One named Fifi, suddenly stopped using his back legs and is barely moving around. I have noticed he still has feeling in his back legs and can move them slightly but for the most part they are very weak. He has been struggling to eat and drink by himself since he cannot move on his own. I took him to the vet and she gave him a vitamin c shot as well as did an xray on him. She said that his back and spine looked good to her and that there was nothing wrong as far as his bones. He has no sign of bumblefoot and she confirmed this as well. I feed my boys unlimited Timothy hay, oxbow garden select pellets, and daily vegetables including bell pepper, carrots, lettuce. She said that his diet seemed okay so if it was scurvy it must have started when he was in the pet store and is just now showing signs. Could this be what it is? I have been feeding him critical care by syringe and sometimes he eats it off my finger. If anyone knows possible problems this may be or ways to help him recover please let me know. I have only had him for a month and it makes me sad to see him like this.