Possible Sad Piggy?

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New Born Pup
May 29, 2016
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Hello all, I have searched for an answer to this one but I'm not sure I have an answer so any help appreciated (also if this is in the wrong section I apologise).

Tootie has been acting a bit off for the past few days. He is eating and drinking as normal (and pooing seems at a normal rate), however he is not himself. He usually runs about playing but has been sitting and sleeping for most of the day (when not eating) and runs away from me when I get on the floor (which might still be his huff from his last trip to the vet). He has gotten more snuggly and will flop down and snooze under my chin although he can't seem to get comfy. Some places online suggested it could be a bit of gas or perhaps too much celery so I stopped that last night and I read probiotics could help, so the boys have that in their water. He doesn't seem to have any signs of illness. He hasn't lost weight, eyes are bright and he is eating. He just seems a bit down? Not sure if it has to do with the two boys bickering? Quite often this past month or two I have had to separate them as their teeth were going and hissing. Fruity is my dominant boar but sometimes Tootie will rumble as well, would or could this cause a change in behaviour at all? Many thanks
Hi! Could you please give us a bit more background information.

How old are your boys? How often have you separated them, which is stressful and can contribute to tensions if you overdo it, especially without any sign of impending fights? Has tootie been noticeably brighter when you separated him or not?
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Please have him thoroughly checked out by a vet if in any doubt.
They are approximately 3 from what I was told. I adopted them from a coworker who was moving abroad and I have had them since January. I've separated them maybe three or four times its probably me jumping the gun with them but not having had them long I was concerned a fight would start so removed one pig until they calmed down and their teeth chattering stopped. They have had a few nips at each other, and I have caught Fruity randomly batting him, today both were getting cuddles at the same time and Tootie went to nip Fruity (while on me so again one go put on the settee while the other sat on my shoulder). I haven't noticed him get brighter when separated even just for the ten minutes or so that they are. Fruity usually starts shouting for him so he gets wriggly and wants to get back. Could it possibly be he is bored? Or a dominace issue? Other than that, which I have no idea how to sort I think I will give the no veg a go see if he perks up if not he will be straight to the vet. I was just wondering mostly if anyone had experienced similar behaviour
They are approximately 3 from what I was told. I adopted them from a coworker who was moving abroad and I have had them since January. I've separated them maybe three or four times its probably me jumping the gun with them but not having had them long I was concerned a fight would start so removed one pig until they calmed down and their teeth chattering stopped. They have had a few nips at each other, and I have caught Fruity randomly batting him, today both were getting cuddles at the same time and Tootie went to nip Fruity (while on me so again one go put on the settee while the other sat on my shoulder). I haven't noticed him get brighter when separated even just for the ten minutes or so that they are. Fruity usually starts shouting for him so he gets wriggly and wants to get back. Could it possibly be he is bored? Or a dominace issue? Other than that, which I have no idea how to sort I think I will give the no veg a go see if he perks up if not he will be straight to the vet. I was just wondering mostly if anyone had experienced similar behaviour

The behaviours you are reporting are on the mild side of dominance behaviour and on the spat side of a relationship, but nowhere near fights. Tootie considers himself still very much bonded to Fruity and wants to be back with him when Fruity is calling out - that is the sign of a close bond.
Ah I see, thats good to know and reassuring. I shall definitely keep an eye on him and see if theres any sort of change, if not he will be at the vet quick as he likes.
Ah I see, thats good to know and reassuring. I shall definitely keep an eye on him and see if theres any sort of change, if not he will be at the vet quick as he likes.

Weigh him daily at the same time and check over his body whether he has got any lumps etc.
I will do he hasnt lost anything from yesterday and I couldnt feel anything so I'm hoping thats a good sign.
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