Possible New Addition - Duo To Trio

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 20, 2016
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
Hello everyone,

Sadly, a family member has had to have one of her pigs put to sleep and is now left with a single sow which she has offered to me to add to my girls.
My pair are sisters and are roughly 3 years old. This new sow is also roughly the same age and was also living with her sister. Is bonding this new girl to my pair a realistic option? I don't want to upset my girls but I also don't want to let this new girl go.

More related to housing but I'll ask here anyway; Can guinea pigs go from being outdoor to indoor? My pair are indoors only (I live in a flat) but my aunts pig's were always outdoors. Would this cause any issues or health problems?
Hello everyone,

Sadly, a family member has had to have one of her pigs put to sleep and is now left with a single sow which she has offered to me to add to my girls.
My pair are sisters and are roughly 3 years old. This new sow is also roughly the same age and was also living with her sister. Is bonding this new girl to my pair a realistic option? I don't want to upset my girls but I also don't want to let this new girl go.

More related to housing but I'll ask here anyway; Can guinea pigs go from being outdoor to indoor? My pair are indoors only (I live in a flat) but my aunts pig's were always outdoors. Would this cause any issues or health problems?

Hi! All you can do is try and see whether the girls take to each other or not. A lot depends on whether the single girl has been the top or the undersow and how dominant she is.
What you do not have to worry about is that the arrival of another sow leads to a fight or fall-out between your sisters. Sows are wired to live together with a boar of their choice and bring up their pups between them, whereas boars always have a certain underlying competition element going on that can surface when a new boy rocks the boat.
Please take the time to read carefully through our detailed bonding guide: Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

If things are not working out, you may want to consider keeping her as next door neighbour with company or stimulation through the bars or, even better, date her at Milhaven Guinea Pig Rescue in Keighley or Barnsley Animal Rescue Charity; they are both good standard rescues that allow you to bring your girl to find a new friend of her own choice at the rescue and under expert supervision, whether that is a sow or a neutered boar of any age - the crucial bit is mutual liking and acceptance.
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
So things haven't gone well :(
I tried the girls together in a pen on the floor with open ended hides and I thought it had gone okay. They had a couple of hours together with one or two scuffles and Flo following the new girl around so I placed them into their cage which had just been cleaned. I didn't sleep well and during the night I heard a very loud squealing so there must have been a big fight.
I placed a divider between my two and the new girl so they could interact. They were like this until today when I decided I would try them together again. Again, in a pen on the floor, but things seemed worse this time. Loads of teeth chattering, avoiding each other and scuffles. I gave them 30 minutes but felt things weren't improving so I separated again.

Have I done anything wrong? I'm guessing this isn't going to work out? :(
ive just had to split a sow pair that were with a boar,one female was bullying the other.i put the dominant sow in with a neutered boar and 3 sows,there was alot of teeth chattering at first,but it was mainly fear aggression,ive left them to it ,to sort things out.its only day 2 but it has got alot better,sometimes squealing can be the under sow giving a submission noise,which means ..I'm not wanting top position,please do not hurt me.which new owners can mistake for a pain noise.i would try bonding slowly ,over a week,it maybe fear aggression.you may find that if you weight them regularly,if the under sow is losing weight she is being bullied.have three hidies,3 water bottles,3 veg bowls.good luck.rescue dating is much easier.x
I decided to try again this evening and it's worked! They're together and they seem to have worked through their initial upsets. Flo is still a bit nervous of new girl, Frances, but Flick is doing great with her. Frankie has definitely come out as the dominant one now. She's also been doing some popcorning around the cage so I'm taking that as a really good sign.
Man am I relieved! I'm going to keep a close eye on them for the next few days for any possible bullying but I've made sure there is at least two of everything and open ended hideys.
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