Junior Guinea Pig
Hello everyone,
Sadly, a family member has had to have one of her pigs put to sleep and is now left with a single sow which she has offered to me to add to my girls.
My pair are sisters and are roughly 3 years old. This new sow is also roughly the same age and was also living with her sister. Is bonding this new girl to my pair a realistic option? I don't want to upset my girls but I also don't want to let this new girl go.
More related to housing but I'll ask here anyway; Can guinea pigs go from being outdoor to indoor? My pair are indoors only (I live in a flat) but my aunts pig's were always outdoors. Would this cause any issues or health problems?
Sadly, a family member has had to have one of her pigs put to sleep and is now left with a single sow which she has offered to me to add to my girls.
My pair are sisters and are roughly 3 years old. This new sow is also roughly the same age and was also living with her sister. Is bonding this new girl to my pair a realistic option? I don't want to upset my girls but I also don't want to let this new girl go.
More related to housing but I'll ask here anyway; Can guinea pigs go from being outdoor to indoor? My pair are indoors only (I live in a flat) but my aunts pig's were always outdoors. Would this cause any issues or health problems?