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Possible cataract or Osseous Metaplasia


New Born Pup
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all,
Around 2 weeks ago one of my guineas had a cloudy eye which after some chatting on a fb group I found out was hay poke and I bought a certain type of eye drops you can get in Superdrug which cured the problem in about 4 days. Then last Thursday I found one of my other piggies that lives with her with a white kind of rim around the outside edge of the eye. I thought it might be the same thing so talked to my contact who said to try the drops for a few days and see what happens. It’s now Monday and nothing has changed. So I payed £24 to have a 10 min chat with an online vet who said that it is likely a cataract and I could see an emergency vet tonight for £158 or go to my local vet tomorrow for a consult. I have decided to monitor it for a couple of weeks as she is acting fine and doesn’t seem to be irritated by it at all. I was looking into cataract in guinea pigs and came across a YouTube video showing a piggie that had an eye that looked very similar talking about osseous metaplasia. Apparently it doesn’t hurt them and there is no cure so either way I don’t see it being worth going to the vets unless she is uncomfortable or in pain so I’ll keep an eye on her.
Anyway I thought I would get some other opinions on what it is. Cataract or is osseous metaplasia.
Thank you I would love to get some other opinions and I will include pictures of caramels eye as well as my other guinea who had the hay poke.


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Hi, it certainly looks like the bone formation in the eye. However we aren't vets and cant say 100% for certain if its that. Its not advised to home treat guinea pigs as whatever you put on them may make them worse if its not the right treatment.