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Possible bumble foot


New Born Pup
Oct 14, 2016
Reaction score
Hi I am a new piggy owner and after some advise. One of my girls has a small green patch of skin formed on the bottom of her foot. Thinking this may be the start of bumble foot or could it be dry skin? Hoping I'm over reacting. What should do for immediate treatment? Wash with salter water?
Hi, you can bathe the foot in Epsom salts but if you suspect bumble foot, I advise a vet check for the correct diagnosis and treatment. They can tell you if it’s bumble foot or a harmless foot spur
Thank you, for the speedy replies! I have bathed her paws and no green bits left on the feet now. I'll keep a close eye on her, all I do is worry about these pigs! 😆
Hi I am a new piggy owner and after some advise. One of my girls has a small green patch of skin formed on the bottom of her foot. Thinking this may be the start of bumble foot or could it be dry skin? Hoping I'm over reacting. What should do for immediate treatment? Wash with salter water?


Can you please post a picture or video with a health question?

Green is not a colour I associate with developing bumblefoot but it something stuck to the foot.

However, without any independent access to your piggy, we can only guess based on your own guesses.
PLEASE do not DIY home treat on spec for suspected (but not substantiated issues) and see a vet if necessary.

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