Possible Bullying?

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New Born Pup
May 20, 2015
Reaction score
Me and my partner have a total of 9 guinea pigs, 3 boars and 6 sows.

In one particular cage we have 5 girls, who have been bonded for a few months now. We've never noticed any problems between them until recently.
A couple of months ago we rescued 2 boars and put the in the same room - different cage. We have now found one of the girls to have escaped from her cage twice now and is attempting to escape again - chew marks etc.
Could there be possible bullying between the girls? Is she trying to get to the boys to mate etc? Or could she just want a little freedom/run around?
None of the other girls in her cage have escaped though, and there are no obvious signs of bullying.
Any help would be appreciated.
Some piggies are content to stay put, some have the urge to wander, and perhaps the scent of the boars appealed to her curiosity.
Best to sit with them in the same room for a few evenings and monitor whether or not there's any fractious behaviour going on :)
I would think that it is curiosity and the urge to mate. Some piggies are inveterate escape artists.
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