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Possible bulging eye?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 27, 2018
Reaction score
I recently noticed that siris left eye is sticking out more than her right one. I researched into it and many sources say it could be a tumour behind her eye? I’ve experienced many other piggy eye problems before but not this. Advice and tips would be greatly appreciated!


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Have you noticed this before or they’ve always been like the smaller one? Your best option is to have it checked out by a vet. It’s impossible to tell you whether it’s normal for her or it could be something else.
Hello fellow SOxon-er! Just as a note you don't have to be quite so specific on your location... you can change it by clicking on your name (top right) and finding account details ☺️
One option is a tumour near the eye making it bulge but actually some pigs do have a smaller eye or a weepier eye sometimes. Or there might be a bit of hayseed or something stuck under a lid causing swelling. Best to get a vet check though - if it is going to be a problem it's usually best for piggy and cheaper for you to catch it early. They will have a good look at her, maybe using some contrast dye, and they will inspect around the eyeball for any redness or inflammation. She's a dark pig like my George and it's often a bit trickier to see what's going on with them - even in a good light!
Have you noticed this before or they’ve always been like the smaller one? Your best option is to have it checked out by a vet. It’s impossible to tell you whether it’s normal for her or it could be something else.
Thanks for the response! I don't think I've noticed a difference in her eyes before, but that could just be me not checking enough. She is 4 years old so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a health problem, but I'll try and get her checked out next week if possible!
Hello fellow SOxon-er! Just as a note you don't have to be quite so specific on your location... you can change it by clicking on your name (top right) and finding account details ☺️
One option is a tumour near the eye making it bulge but actually some pigs do have a smaller eye or a weepier eye sometimes. Or there might be a bit of hayseed or something stuck under a lid causing swelling. Best to get a vet check though - if it is going to be a problem it's usually best for piggy and cheaper for you to catch it early. They will have a good look at her, maybe using some contrast dye, and they will inspect around the eyeball for any redness or inflammation. She's a dark pig like my George and it's often a bit trickier to see what's going on with them - even in a good light!
Oops I set my account up a while ago I never realised how specific I made it haha! I'm going to try and get Siri's checked out next week, since it's quite a small difference right now in the eyes I'm hoping ,if it is something, it won't be too serious. Thanks for the advice!
I know just where you are coming from and have fingers crossed for Siri. My 5yr old piggy Wilbur saw the vet last week (about something different) and she noticed his left eye is bulging, compared to the other. I am monitoring it, but send you my best wishes for Siri x
I recently noticed that siris left eye is sticking out more than her right one. I researched into it and many sources say it could be a tumour behind her eye? I’ve experienced many other piggy eye problems before but not this. Advice and tips would be greatly appreciated!


Please see a vet.

An in-drawn eye is a sign of pain; a bulging eye can be potentially from an abscess forming behind the eye (retrobulbar abscess), which is not at all uncommon; or much rarer from glaucoma. Either way, it needs checking out and medical treatment.
Please never wait too long with any eye problems; the sooner you can start treating, the better the chances of a quick and straight forward recovery.