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Possible blood in pee?


New Born Pup
Nov 17, 2021
Reaction score
Hello everyone,
I have two male guineapigs. One of them is 3 months old and the other one is 6 years old. Recently i saw these brown spots in their white cardbox. I was concerned that maybe one of them has UTI and took one of them to the vet. He was treated with bactrim for a week. After that i saw these spots again and neither i nor the vet is sure that they are bloody spots. I also separated them and made them pee but the pee was normal and transparent, still i saw these spots after that. Please help me identify this 😥 I am concerned.
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Its possibly just a mix of oxidised pee which is entirely normal, and areas where the cardboard has got wet. Urine will change to a rusty browny colour when it comes into contact with air.
Its possibly just a mix of oxidised pee which is entirely normal, and areas where the cardboard has got wet. Urine will change to a rusty browny colour when it comes into contact with air.
thank you for your reply! I hope it is oxidised pee. i never saw spots like this before
Hi, me personally it looks more like oxidation of their pee...it could also be the veg they eat...one of mine loves beetroot...which gives her pee a lovely purple tinge...however if you're worried try putting a white towel or fleece down and seeing on there if it goes a more orangey tint it will probably be oxidation...if you're still unsure take them to a vet...
Hi, me personally it looks more like oxidation of their pee...it could also be the veg they eat...one of mine loves beetroot...which gives her pee a lovely purple tinge...however if you're worried try putting a white towel or fleece down and seeing on there if it goes a more orangey tint it will probably be oxidation...if you're still unsure take them to a vet...
That’s a good idea thank you very much.
I was also in your position and mine turned out to be normal oxidised pee. I've had pigs with UTI before that had pee with blood in and I still couldn't tell the difference at first. We put George in a plastic bowl till he peed and then collected it in a plastic container the vet had provided. It looked pretty clear at that point. I put it in the fridge overnight as the vet was first thing in the morning. By that point it was a proper rusty orange colour! It had carried on oxidising overnight so the colour had got much stronger. George still had his vet check but his urine was fine and he had no other symptoms (painful pees or wet fur round the bits and tummy from dripping) so I relaxed about it and told him to drink a bit more water. He ignored me, obviously 😅
I was also in your position and mine turned out to be normal oxidised pee. I've had pigs with UTI before that had pee with blood in and I still couldn't tell the difference at first. We put George in a plastic bowl till he peed and then collected it in a plastic container the vet had provided. It looked pretty clear at that point. I put it in the fridge overnight as the vet was first thing in the morning. By that point it was a proper rusty orange colour! It had carried on oxidising overnight so the colour had got much stronger. George still had his vet check but his urine was fine and he had no other symptoms (painful pees or wet fur round the bits and tummy from dripping) so I relaxed about it and told him to drink a bit more water. He ignored me, obviously 😅
hahaha. Good to hear that george was fine in the end. I’m living in a country that even specialized exotic vets don’t know anything about guineapigs. I am so happy that i found this site. Thank you for your reply 😊