possessive piggy

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Guinea pig slave

Senior Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
West Midlands, UK
We bonded a little neutered boar into our trio of sisters around 5 weeks ago and the dynamics have been fantastic between them.
Zhen loves his ladies and they love him but have noted the past week or so, Chei has become very possessive if any one of her sisters go near him, particularly Maia who has always been the dominant girl :{
Chei will chatter her teeth and go to nip Maia on occasions - luckily, they have an upper level and Maia will go up there. I heard them bickering the other evening and found them facing off and quite angry at each other so put a furry teddy in as a distraction which they both attacked biting hard, thankfully it wasn't my hand :...
Has anyone else had this ? Zhen doesn't appear to be trying for 'top' piggy in the group and is very laid back but it's almost as if Chei doesn't want to 'share' him ;)
Majority of the time, they are all the best of friends and all cuddled up together - could it be hormones in Chei (I've never seen her in season)
They have a large pen over six foot in length with an upstairs, hideys and fleece tunnels and are not fussed or zealous with accessories :{
i had something similar i had billy in with 3 girls and he loved it as did the girls and all was fine for a few months then phoebe got possesive of him and stating chasing nilla when she went near him and humping toffee when she went near him. in the end i ended up seperating phoebe and billy they now live quite happily together next to the others but if anypig goes near the cage she chatters at them.

toffee and nilla moved in with my other male and 3 other girls and they are all happy together.

so no advice but keep an eye on it. you may need to seperate but they may sort it out time will tell. mine got to the point where nilla was scared to move (shes a scaredy pig anyway) so i moved mine.
I had that with a trio of boys one wanted the other to himself and didn't want the other going near him or the piggy he wanted going near the other. It would settle down then start up again. In the end i had to seperate as the two other piggies decided to gang up on the other piggy and hes now got his own friend who he is quite happy with but still the dominant pig and has his moments with rumble strutting his way round. I would say keep an eye on them as 5 weeks is still early days for settling down, if it gets worse and doesn't settle you might need to look at splitting the group.
I hope that things will settle down again. Some girls can become somewhat possessive about a husboar. Thankfully, with mine it has never gone further than some chinning between a couple of rivals for his favours.
They are the best of buddies again today although last night, Zhen was munching in the hay basket and Chei wouldn't let the other girls near :(
Putting 2-3 of everything in so they can choose where they eat etc.
Keeping an eye on them - seems to be in the evening Chei becomes moody over him...
I don't have an answer but have something similar going on so will be following this post! My boys Sunny and Spike get on pretty well in the cage but Spike will not share laptime. He becomes furious if Sunny is out at the same time and attacks him. It's a pain because we have 6 piggies and haven't time for individual cuddles!
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