Poppet Is Grieving

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 24, 2015
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Mallow sadly passed away this morning 12 hours after her first symptom. Her cagemate poppet, a 6 month old sow, seems to be missing her.

Mallow had some form of acute infection, however the origin is unknown. As is wether it was contagious.

She passed away in her bed, beside poppet, approximately within 1 hour of arriving home from the emergency vet to allow her to rest in the hope the meds would kick in. Poppet saw her body, but didnt try to interact. Instead, she sat in the spot mallow was in for a good hour or 2.

As i have 2 other sows in a pair, i tried to introduce poppet to them (for the first time), as Mallow was the reason i couldnt have one heard, and poppet came to live with her. I tried them on neutral territory, with my dominant sow crunchie first, as fudge is extremely submissive and doesnt defend herself if she comes into conflict.

Poppet and crunchie both teeth chattered, hair standing up and had a stare off. They had a scuffle, hair was pulled but no blood drawn. Poppet then submissive squealed, and they both ate some hay together. Not long after, the same pattern occured again, this time poppet was injured. Her wound is just above the eye and is simply a raw graze, with no profusive bleeding. This has been bathed and shouldnt be an issue.

Obviously, i am now reluctant to try that again.

Fudge and crunchie are a well matched well bonded pair, and i wont be seperating them to try and find a companion for the one left.

So i now need to find a companion for mallow. It is 12 hours on and she is showing little interest in leaving her hidey, but ate some grass after 10 mins of encouragement whilst on my lap.

Now for my question- do i let poppet ride it out, in the hope she gets over her loss and resumes to normal, quarintine her and search for a companion once this is over.. Or do i search now due to her grieving.

Crunchie is a very dominant sow, has always been top pig with all 6 of the pigs she has lived with in her time, including 2 in her previous home and a neutered boar (her first cage mate). Poppet would not back down with crunchie ultimately, and as i am in scotland, i really need for her to be paired in a rescue by proffesionals. This alone will be a huge hurdle.

I hope someone can advise on the best and safest course of action.

I am very sorry for you loss. It is so frightening when something like this hits and runs away with it before any meds can kick in. It's happened to piggies of mine before. :(

As the nature of the infection is not clear, I would try for a quarantine during which time you could look around for suitable rescue mates. However, I would be prepared to go for a shop baby if Poppet is suffering from acute pining and is refusing to eat and giving up on life. Step in with syringe feeding if she refuses to eat. It often triggers the appetite unless there is an underlying issue, especially in older, closely bonded guinea pigs.

You can try Poppet and Crunchie again once Poppet comes out of deep mourning, but I would frankly not hold my breath.

North East Guinea Pig Rescue in South Shields will occasionally consider rehoming as far as Glasgow/Scottish Borders, but they have currently only got full young boars in rescue, as far as I am aware.
It may be worth contacting @Stewybus at Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue. Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue
I'm so sorry for your loss Adelle, I'm not any good on bonding, I'm to soft & would hate to see anyone of them hurt. Hope things go well with Poppet.
How's Fudge?
hugs Tia & gang xx
I feel for you @Adelle. Twice this year I've been where you are - sudden shocking loss and then the grieving survivor won't accept the natural human solution and live with the neighbours. Personally I wouldn't try it again. My nerves wouldn't stand it. But I agree that Poppet should be quarantined to check she's ok before you start the hunt for a new cage mate for her. Hugs xx
Oh dear, what a day you've had. I was so sorry to see mallow hadn't made it and now you have another sad situation to deal with.

I went through similar when my stan passed at the end of may. Benson went into his box and was very sad and quiet and i knew i had to get moving right away.

I'm in scotland too and did contact a couple of people about bonding benson to another boar (benson is un neutered) but it was just proving impossible with no boars available.

Benson had come from a breeder who had known stan had been ill and passed and, by pure chance, she had a baby boar available. Very lucky as she doesn't breed to sell, just to show really

I didn't need to quarantine the new boy (she said) and benson was transformed once mike was in with him. It perked him up instantly and within hours, it was lovely to hear all the familiar sounds.

It's my intention to get mike neutered, then when benson passes, i hope to rescue some sows.

I can't give you any advice, adelle, as i know you are way more experienced than me with piggies. i did read somewhere on this forum that when a pig is grieving, sometimes you need to get a pig from anywhere - and fast!

I know breeders aren't a favoured place to go on this forum, but i personally feel a good one is a better option than p@h and, in Scotland, we do struggle.

I think the nearest one that does residential boar dating to me is the north east one in tyneside! I would have gone there and had contacted them, but it's a LONG way.

I'm sure that you will get lots of good advice and support and no negative judgements if you need to go down pet shop/breeder route. Not from me anyway.

I know you will make the right choices for yourself and wee poppet. With all best wishes and lots of love to you x
I'm really sorry for your loss Adelle, specially after you did everything you could for her.

I run Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue near Middlesbrough. I know, it's a long way from you. We do have neutered boars in the rescue. One who will be safe next week & another 2 who will be safe at the end of the month. A neutered boar with female is generally the easiest match that can be made & more so when they're young. The boy is will be ready next week, Ned is 15 months old & the 2 who will be ready at end of month, Starsky & Hutch are 11 months old.

The other possibly with a neutered boar is that he could also bring the group together so you have a male & 3 females living together. It doesn't always work but I experienced it 3 years ago when I tried to introduce a new female to my existing 3 girls after the 4th had passed away. She fought & had a bad cut on her nose. I then adopted a neutered boar to live with her. When I gave them time in a run in the garden I pout the 3 girls together with the boy & girl & after about 3 days of doing this they were getting in so well that I took the barrier down that was dividing their large run & they became a group of 5.

We have rehomed to an owner in Edinburgh who cam by train & I met at the railway station & brought to the rescue to bond a bereaved boy with a girl in the rescue. This worked well & they went back to Edinburgh & are still living there after almost 15 months together x
Thank you everyone, i have adjusted the set up so the hidey openings are directly facing each other, with the 2 grids inbetween them. Poppet has since ventured out and had a nosey, but soon went back in to sleep. I have given her some camomile hay infront of her hidey which she has been eating now. She didnt poo for an hour, and as this was mallows first symptom, i have been on my guard. She has since pood and eaten some hay, but i will be keeping a close eye on her. She still seems alert and responsive as normal, so not worrying about her coming down with the illness as yet.

If she continues on an upward trend, i will continue to moniter her, quarintine her then contact the rescues mentioned above.

If it is clear she is pining and is suffering, and has a clear bill of health from the vet, i may need to consider a baby for her.

I am still horrendously upset- i cant get my head around it. I prepare myself every single morning when i get up and lift fudges hidey, that today may be the day. Its horrible, but she is terminal and i need to be realistic. To have this happen to an 18 month old precious little girl, who i only had the pleasure of knowing for 14 months, is breaking my heart. Just Yesterday morning she ate all her veggies, popcorned to the sound of the hoover whilst her gorgeous locks floated like a lovely little dress. I dont think i will ever get over this.

Thank you all for the support and advice. I'm off to cry again!
Thank you everyone, i have adjusted the set up so the hidey openings are directly facing each other, with the 2 grids inbetween them. Poppet has since ventured out and had a nosey, but soon went back in to sleep. I have given her some camomile hay infront of her hidey which she has been eating now. She didnt poo for an hour, and as this was mallows first symptom, i have been on my guard. She has since pood and eaten some hay, but i will be keeping a close eye on her. She still seems alert and responsive as normal, so not worrying about her coming down with the illness as yet.

If she continues on an upward trend, i will continue to moniter her, quarintine her then contact the rescues mentioned above.

If it is clear she is pining and is suffering, and has a clear bill of health from the vet, i may need to consider a baby for her.

I am still horrendously upset- i cant get my head around it. I prepare myself every single morning when i get up and lift fudges hidey, that today may be the day. Its horrible, but she is terminal and i need to be realistic. To have this happen to an 18 month old precious little girl, who i only had the pleasure of knowing for 14 months, is breaking my heart. Just Yesterday morning she ate all her veggies, popcorned to the sound of the hoover whilst her gorgeous locks floated like a lovely little dress. I dont think i will ever get over this.

Thank you all for the support and advice. I'm off to cry again!

Oh Adelle - I can't stop crying reading this. Life is so cruel sometimes .

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Thank you everyone, i have adjusted the set up so the hidey openings are directly facing each other, with the 2 grids inbetween them. Poppet has since ventured out and had a nosey, but soon went back in to sleep. I have given her some camomile hay infront of her hidey which she has been eating now. She didnt poo for an hour, and as this was mallows first symptom, i have been on my guard. She has since pood and eaten some hay, but i will be keeping a close eye on her. She still seems alert and responsive as normal, so not worrying about her coming down with the illness as yet.

If she continues on an upward trend, i will continue to moniter her, quarintine her then contact the rescues mentioned above.

If it is clear she is pining and is suffering, and has a clear bill of health from the vet, i may need to consider a baby for her.

I am still horrendously upset- i cant get my head around it. I prepare myself every single morning when i get up and lift fudges hidey, that today may be the day. Its horrible, but she is terminal and i need to be realistic. To have this happen to an 18 month old precious little girl, who i only had the pleasure of knowing for 14 months, is breaking my heart. Just Yesterday morning she ate all her veggies, popcorned to the sound of the hoover whilst her gorgeous locks floated like a lovely little dress. I dont think i will ever get over this.

Thank you all for the support and advice. I'm off to cry again!

If Poppet is still eating now, then you do not need to worry about acute pining! She isn't! She may be subdued and withdrawn for a few days, but she is not going to fade away. That is one deep breath you can take. :tu:

Please be aware that guinea pigs don't poo continuously; it comes in batches depending on their food intake. You can sometimes go several hours without poos. As long as a piggy is still bright and eating/drinking, you need not worry.
If there was anything at all i could say to mend your broken heart, i would. the raw feeling of grief is one of the most terrible feelings to bear, but it will become more bearable over time, i promise.

Big hugs to you xx
Thank you everyone,...

I am still horrendously upset- i cant get my head around it. I prepare myself every single morning when i get up and lift fudges hidey, that today may be the day. Its horrible, but she is terminal and i need to be realistic. To have this happen to an 18 month old precious little girl, who i only had the pleasure of knowing for 14 months, is breaking my heart. Just Yesterday morning she ate all her veggies, popcorned to the sound of the hoover whilst her gorgeous locks floated like a lovely little dress. I dont think i will ever get over this.

Thank you all for the support and advice. I'm off to cry again!

I'm crying with you, too, Adelle. Such a terrible shock. It's brought back (not that they are ever far away) my feelings on losing Mr Ted and my beloved Connie so suddenly. Sometimes life just seems so unfair.
If Poppet is still eating now, then you do not need to worry about acute pining! She isn't! She may be subdued and withdrawn for a few days, but she is not going to fade away. That is one deep breath you can take. :tu:

Please be aware that guinea pigs don't poo continuously; it comes in batches depending on their food intake. You can sometimes go several hours without poos. As long as a piggy is still bright and eating/drinking, you need not worry.

Thank you for all your advice. She is definately brighter and eating better since adjusting the set up allowing her to see fudhe and crunchie all the time. She had a little snap at fudges nose (fudge is squashing her nose through the grid, and apparantly isnt very bright as shes still doing it!) but this has lifted poppets spirit.

I'm a worrier at the best of times, so understandably i am more so at the moment. I will remember your advice and try and calm down. If poppet continues like this, i will quarantine her and start the search. I dont feel like I'm replacing mallow, i know i never could- I'm just simply putting poppets needs before my feelings. I'm sure i will grow to love any new addition in time, even under the circumstances.

I'm crying with you, too, Adelle. Such a terrible shock. It's brought back (not that they are ever far away) my feelings on losing Mr Ted and my beloved Connie so suddenly. Sometimes life just seems so unfair.

I'm sorry you lost them suddenly too. You know, i always sympathise with owners that have this happen to them, say i am so sorry for their loss (which of course i truelly am).. But until it happens with one of your own precious pigs, you dont fully understand just how difficult it is. My heart goes out to you for having been through this more than once.

Thank you again for your support, and thank you to everyone else for their kind words x
I'm really sorry for your loss Adelle, specially after you did everything you could for her.

I run Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue near Middlesbrough. I know, it's a long way from you. We do have neutered boars in the rescue. One who will be safe next week & another 2 who will be safe at the end of the month. A neutered boar with female is generally the easiest match that can be made & more so when they're young. The boy is will be ready next week, Ned is 15 months old & the 2 who will be ready at end of month, Starsky & Hutch are 11 months old.

The other possibly with a neutered boar is that he could also bring the group together so you have a male & 3 females living together. It doesn't always work but I experienced it 3 years ago when I tried to introduce a new female to my existing 3 girls after the 4th had passed away. She fought & had a bad cut on her nose. I then adopted a neutered boar to live with her. When I gave them time in a run in the garden I pout the 3 girls together with the boy & girl & after about 3 days of doing this they were getting in so well that I took the barrier down that was dividing their large run & they became a group of 5.

We have rehomed to an owner in Edinburgh who cam by train & I met at the railway station & brought to the rescue to bond a bereaved boy with a girl in the rescue. This worked well & they went back to Edinburgh & are still living there after almost 15 months together x

Hi stewybus, we spoke on the phone a few months back when i was trying to find mallow a companion.. I found Poppet, and now she is in the same position. Very similar in nature to beautiful mallow.

I will continue to monitor her and hopefully ride out the quarintine period without any problems. I will be in touch after that if i dont find another solution closer to home, although having her bonded by knowledgable people in a rescue would be the best way forward i think.

Thank you for your help an kind words xx
I have a friend who is hoping to start a rescue in Scotland but it won't be for a while yet. It will fill a much needed gap.

Perhaps you could combine trip & make it a weekend away. We're not far from Whitby & you could leave Poppet with us & collect her hopefully with a huspig on the way home :) x
I have a friend who is hoping to start a rescue in Scotland but it won't be for a while yet. It will fill a much needed gap.

Perhaps you could combine trip & make it a weekend away. We're not far from Whitby & you could leave Poppet with us & collect her hopefully with a huspig on the way home :) x

I dont go away anymore due to my other 2 sows having complex health conditions with regular medications (and I'm one of these people that arent satisfied with their care unless I'm doing it myself!) but id be more than willing to travel down with poppet and be home again for bedtime meds for the others, then travel back whenever/if we have a match. I will be in touch next week regarding it all. Thank you so much x
I am so sorry to hear your sad news, you really are going through it with your piggies at the moment. Trying to type with tears in my eyes, I've not been on the forum for a few days and this is such a shock for me, I can't imagine how you feel. No piggies could be better looked after or more loved than yours, I'm full of admiration at the lengths you go to for them. Sending you hugs.
I'm so so sorry Adelle. I don't have anything to add, but it sounds like Poppet is much brighter than she was earlier bless her.
Poppet is doing okay, still a little depressed though understandably. She ate 8g of pellet overnight so i know she left her hidey, but no wees or poos in her litter/hay tray in 24 hours so i keep refreshing the hay pile at her hidey door and shes eating that. She lost weight during the day yesterday but maintained it overnight. Plenty of poos in her hidey this morning, so she is eating. Not seen her at her water so giving cucumber every couple of hours as well as TLC. Shes still watching the other 2 girls through the grids and heard a couple of mumbles from her when fudge has been chatting away. Iv given her a teddy, its fudges so at least it smells of a pig, and she cuddled into it straight away and stretched out to go to sleep. Must be comforting. Shes off to the vet at 5.15 to check her over and take her temp etc to check for any signs of infection- this is probably more for my piece of mind than anything else. Feeling less emotional today, honestly just think I'm all cried out. Still have a heavy heart but my girls are keeping me going x


You are definetly doing all the right things, I to would visit the vet for a check up given what happened to Mallow and how quickly.
You are definetly doing all the right things, I to would visit the vet for a check up given what happened to Mallow and how quickly.

Thats what I'm thinking. Mallow seemed a little quiet, a couple of hours previous to this she was popcorning away, 12 hours later she was gone. She saw the vet 45 mins after she first seemed off, then another vet when she deteriorated further. It was unbelievably sudden. If she'd had a temp at the first vet, she would have gotten antibiotics 6 hours sooner. But to jump so high so quickly, I'm doubtful it would even have made a difference. Her whole body just shut down at an alarming rate.

I'm hoping poppet gets the all clear, but the minute any of that changes she'll be going to the vet day or night. I'm not taking any chances. Xx
Poppets vitals where normal at the vets, including temp, lungs, heart and gut sounds. The vet advised me for now, she thinks shes just grieving, but that mallows vitals where also completely normal including temp 12 hours before she passed away of a fatal infection- so she cant rule out the possibility of poppet coming down with it too. She is sleeping with/on the cat teddy, and has eaten some pellets since putting them in a smaller dish and inside her hidey. Iv also put in a mouse water bottle that sits on a stand, in the hidey too (its a big hidey) as she isnt leaving it all during the day therefore not drinking. She has hay and a grainless treat stick outside the door way.

I'm praying she doesnt come down with this horrible illness, and picks back up soon. However poppet is a timid guinea pig, who was extremely terrified and unhandlable when arriving with me and mallow- she improved greatly over the past 3 months, but seems to have gone completely backwards since being on her own.

I may need to consider a companion fast.. I just dont know if its that the right thing to do or not!
Poppet is doing okay, still a little depressed though understandably. She ate 8g of pellet overnight so i know she left her hidey, but no wees or poos in her litter/hay tray in 24 hours so i keep refreshing the hay pile at her hidey door and shes eating that. She lost weight during the day yesterday but maintained it overnight. Plenty of poos in her hidey this morning, so she is eating. Not seen her at her water so giving cucumber every couple of hours as well as TLC. Shes still watching the other 2 girls through the grids and heard a couple of mumbles from her when fudge has been chatting away. Iv given her a teddy, its fudges so at least it smells of a pig, and she cuddled into it straight away and stretched out to go to sleep. Must be comforting. Shes off to the vet at 5.15 to check her over and take her temp etc to check for any signs of infection- this is probably more for my piece of mind than anything else. Feeling less emotional today, honestly just think I'm all cried out. Still have a heavy heart but my girls are keeping me going x

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Poppet is doing fine; don't worry!

She will drink when she is thirsty, so don't overdo the cucumber bit, or the poos go soft. The poos output reflects what has gone in a day ago, which was very upsetting for her too. She will pick up more in a few days' time, even if you may find that she has lost her sparkle a bit.

Take your time to grieve at your own speed. You are usually feeling very blue once the adrenaline is running out and your loss is hitting home in all the little ways that make your daily routine. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut; you grieve in the amount that you have loved and according to the bond you have shared.
Poppet is doing fine; don't worry!

She will drink when she is thirsty, so don't overdo the cucumber bit, or the poos go soft. The poos output reflects what has gone in a day ago, which was very upsetting for her too. She will pick up more in a few days' time, even if you may find that she has lost her sparkle a bit.

Take your time to grieve at your own speed. You are usually feeling very blue once the adrenaline is running out and your loss is hitting home in all the little ways that make your daily routine. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut; you grieve in the amount that you have loved and according to the bond you have shared.

Thanks @Wiebke . She wont leave her hidey during the day at all and hasnt been interested in any hay since this afternoon. Shes now terrified of absolutely everything now shes on her own just like she was at the beginning. Will i just keep going in the hope she comes round and quarintine her or get looking for a companion sooner?

This is pretty much all shes done since yesterday-

Oh Poppet you darling. Big hugs and cuddles from the Cheshire girlies to you.
As is so often the case I have nothing helpful to add, but I wanted to let you know that someone in Switzerland is thinking of you right now @Adelle
Being a stalker and watching her whilst not in the room! With her being so scared atm, she probably wont come out if I'm there.

Well i was right.. A couple hours out the house and poppet was in and out, rummaging in hay and winding my other pair up at the bars! It was definately a new experience watching my girls go about their business when us humans arent around. It saves clips and notifies my phone when theres motion.. Ofcourse this went off every 2 seconds with fudge re areanging the hideys! The funniest part was when she realised she had no where to sleep.. So tipped it back up again and got inside it!

Poppet has well and truelly come alive tonight, been interacting with girls at the bars lots.. However.. She now wants to be with them so much, she has been biting the bars for 90 minutes solid! Iv tried providing distractions etc but she is too determined to get to them. As much as I'm pleased shes perked up- i need sleep! I have covered the divider with a towel.. And now shes been whimpering and whining for half an hour. Poor baby. She is definatelt not happy on her own. Will be planning finding her a companion over the weekend, so we can get started as soon as her quarantine is over. Shes had 7 cuddles today.. And loved every minute of them xx
Aw glad she is feeling better, I definitely think your right to continue the quarantine.

At least you know, she's behaving like a normal pig when your not there. I know it's not ideal but it's also not for long. X
We have found that grieving piggies always benefit from extra cuddles and interaction, seems to bring them through the sudden loss and empty space.
We have found that grieving piggies always benefit from extra cuddles and interaction, seems to bring them through the sudden loss and empty space.

I think you are right, it seems to have really helped. Its almost as if a little light went on and she snapped back to normal after her last cuddle last night. She was terrified when we got her at 12 weeks and completely unhandled, literally. She found confidence and safety with mallow but was still nervous of humans, although had come along way on that front too. Since mallow passed, she was almost too scared to leave her hidey and if she did, she crawled. She has cone round more with handling though in this short time due to all the cuddles shes been getting, settles down into a laying down position quicker. Hopefully we breeze the quarantine with no health issues- i can deal with bar biting and whining!
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