Mallow sadly passed away this morning 12 hours after her first symptom. Her cagemate poppet, a 6 month old sow, seems to be missing her.
Mallow had some form of acute infection, however the origin is unknown. As is wether it was contagious.
She passed away in her bed, beside poppet, approximately within 1 hour of arriving home from the emergency vet to allow her to rest in the hope the meds would kick in. Poppet saw her body, but didnt try to interact. Instead, she sat in the spot mallow was in for a good hour or 2.
As i have 2 other sows in a pair, i tried to introduce poppet to them (for the first time), as Mallow was the reason i couldnt have one heard, and poppet came to live with her. I tried them on neutral territory, with my dominant sow crunchie first, as fudge is extremely submissive and doesnt defend herself if she comes into conflict.
Poppet and crunchie both teeth chattered, hair standing up and had a stare off. They had a scuffle, hair was pulled but no blood drawn. Poppet then submissive squealed, and they both ate some hay together. Not long after, the same pattern occured again, this time poppet was injured. Her wound is just above the eye and is simply a raw graze, with no profusive bleeding. This has been bathed and shouldnt be an issue.
Obviously, i am now reluctant to try that again.
Fudge and crunchie are a well matched well bonded pair, and i wont be seperating them to try and find a companion for the one left.
So i now need to find a companion for mallow. It is 12 hours on and she is showing little interest in leaving her hidey, but ate some grass after 10 mins of encouragement whilst on my lap.
Now for my question- do i let poppet ride it out, in the hope she gets over her loss and resumes to normal, quarintine her and search for a companion once this is over.. Or do i search now due to her grieving.
Crunchie is a very dominant sow, has always been top pig with all 6 of the pigs she has lived with in her time, including 2 in her previous home and a neutered boar (her first cage mate). Poppet would not back down with crunchie ultimately, and as i am in scotland, i really need for her to be paired in a rescue by proffesionals. This alone will be a huge hurdle.
I hope someone can advise on the best and safest course of action.
Mallow had some form of acute infection, however the origin is unknown. As is wether it was contagious.
She passed away in her bed, beside poppet, approximately within 1 hour of arriving home from the emergency vet to allow her to rest in the hope the meds would kick in. Poppet saw her body, but didnt try to interact. Instead, she sat in the spot mallow was in for a good hour or 2.
As i have 2 other sows in a pair, i tried to introduce poppet to them (for the first time), as Mallow was the reason i couldnt have one heard, and poppet came to live with her. I tried them on neutral territory, with my dominant sow crunchie first, as fudge is extremely submissive and doesnt defend herself if she comes into conflict.
Poppet and crunchie both teeth chattered, hair standing up and had a stare off. They had a scuffle, hair was pulled but no blood drawn. Poppet then submissive squealed, and they both ate some hay together. Not long after, the same pattern occured again, this time poppet was injured. Her wound is just above the eye and is simply a raw graze, with no profusive bleeding. This has been bathed and shouldnt be an issue.
Obviously, i am now reluctant to try that again.
Fudge and crunchie are a well matched well bonded pair, and i wont be seperating them to try and find a companion for the one left.
So i now need to find a companion for mallow. It is 12 hours on and she is showing little interest in leaving her hidey, but ate some grass after 10 mins of encouragement whilst on my lap.
Now for my question- do i let poppet ride it out, in the hope she gets over her loss and resumes to normal, quarintine her and search for a companion once this is over.. Or do i search now due to her grieving.
Crunchie is a very dominant sow, has always been top pig with all 6 of the pigs she has lived with in her time, including 2 in her previous home and a neutered boar (her first cage mate). Poppet would not back down with crunchie ultimately, and as i am in scotland, i really need for her to be paired in a rescue by proffesionals. This alone will be a huge hurdle.
I hope someone can advise on the best and safest course of action.