popcorning is when your pigs really happy, they jump around and buck like a horse, making a little peep! peep! sound haha! they look pretty mental when they do it, but so cute x
I loved that video- reminds me of when we first got Sundae and she would run around like a maniac popcorning all over the place while Linney placidly looked on, probably marvelling at the energy of the young! LOL!
Do girls popcorn as much as boys? I have only had boys to date and noticed that when they popcorn, they would always kind of wipe their bums forward, so I had taken that for sexual arousal ...
Oh i love to see piggies popcorn! x)drool I've had Dottie and Mabel for eight months now but sometimes i still panic that they aren't well when they do "extreme popcorning" !
aaaaw my girlies do this too - they are more confident now and are running around the floor popcorning. They run fast too and hop and skip and popcorn its so cute to watch
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