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Is it normal for a four week old baby to popcorn really high then through herself onto her back? :o :o ;D
Delilah keeps doing this when she hears a bag ruslte.
My other pigs just jump high, they don't go on their backs.
Could it hurt her back?
sounds funny, the thought of a piggy jumping 4 feet lol.....sorry I shouldnt laugh :-* I don't know sorry.
my piggies do this, bob is a huge 18 month old boar and still manages to do somersaults somehow ;D
Same as Twinks he goes mad and he is 7 months! I think she should be ok though, she wouldn't do it if it was going to hurt her. They are clever things! :smitten:
popcornings not really something you can teach. not all piggies do it.

they do it when they are happy or excited :D
lol well Rosie can scratch herself at an alarming speed like with a blurry leg, but somehow, I dont think thats special :P
lol my lot end up in all sorts of positions when they popcorn :D :D
i was up all night last night wathcing my 3 popcorn over everything :smitten: made me get up late this morning and as a result i didnt do my xmas shopping ::)
maisynpoppy said:
i was up all night last night wathcing my 3 popcorn over everything :smitten: made me get up late this morning and as a result i didnt do my xmas shopping ::)

my two were at it late last night too :smitten: no idea what made them so happy ;D
Cookie and Poppy never stop popcorning their always at it, but maisy has been popcorning alot because shes had corn on the cob (i thought i would treat her because shes ill) :smitten:
;D ;D mine were just charging round their cage doing it for no reason. just kept seeing them hopping up and down in corner of my eye. when bob does it i just see a big black blob flailing through the air ;D ;D
Hay does it for Twinks and large open spaces do it for the girls! Eccles and Pudsey being babes popcorn when I start talking to them! :)
I talk to mine like babies they love that especially the boys...lol Eccles is still unsure but he is only 3 months old, he was so tiny when I got him at 8 weeks, although I suspect he was younger. He is coming round though, it takes patience.

One of my girls Fleur is still a little skittish and won't take veg but she is a gentle soul and she has started coming around. :)
give them time, i didnt handle my piggies for 2 weeks when i got them, i just talked to them, and engouraged them to eat veggies from my hand. ive had mine since feb and theyve only just started coming up to me to be taken out of the cage. theyve only gotten really tame within the last 2 months, and now bob gives me kisses :smitten:
well the girls are like EWWW DONT TAKE FOOD FROM YOU, so i poke it through the mesh and when iv left it they will gobble it up, i sat there for ages earlier just watching them, they slowly started moving around and eating lots and lots, so i knew then they had already started trusting me
Louise your making me miss my piggies :'( i wont see them till 1am :( i loveee them so much :smitten: oh and Hector my dog i have actually finshed his presents only his though ;D he has a huge stocking sack filled with pressies, it took me ages to wrap them and he stole one whilst i was wrapping them :o
mine took about a week before they would take veggies from my hand. and for weeks they ran away when i entered the room. they wouldnt let me put my hand in the cage to stroke them for well over 3 months
Aww sorry Kelly! :) I was out for 2 hours today and I missed my pigs! I hate to part from them! :)
i think mine warmed to me quite quickly, i bribed them alot with food ;D
S&T were smitten from day one, maybe because they were pet shop pigs and they enjoyed getting all the attention.

Flora and Fleur took a while to settle. I think because Graham looked after them so well they needed to get used to a new set up.

Pudsey settled from day one and Eccles is getting there as he was looked after at the vets, he is so calm though, such a sweet wee boy! :smitten:
lol i spent ages bribing mine too ;D

cucumber and parsley worked best!

anyway back on popcorning, munchie is in the base of the cage popcorning under the shelf i made, while bob is sat on the shelf ;D when munchie popcorns, bob bounces too with suprise ;D ;D
I love watching my piggies popcorning! :smitten: I think it looks so cute, they look so happy when they popcorn! :)
Mine all popcorn while we are trying to get into bed, our 4 piggies are kept in our bedroom. Once I get into bed I do not turn the light of for an hour as I am so busy laughing at them.
can I ask what popcorning is as I'm not sure if my daughter's piggy does it or not ? she is a little minx though she races round the cage and kicks wood chippings into her food bowl and then jumps on top of her gnawing block and sniffs the cage and wiggles her nose ;D
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