Popcorning :-)

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Zürich, Switzerland
As our piggies settle we are seeing a lot of wonderfully wild and exuberant behavior - racing around their pen, and particularly lots of popcorning (which is about the funniest and sweetest behavior ever).

Our pigs are 9 weeks old, and the girls are bouncier than our boar. The boar spends a lot of time rumble strutting and eating :roll:

So how long do guinea pigs tend to popcorn for?
My daughter looked it up (in one of her many guinea pig books!) and said it is a behavior that is more common in young pigs, but I would be interested to hear how old your pigs are that still behave like this.
Personally I am hoping it continues for a very long time :nod:
That is so lovely to hear.
As piggies get older and bigger they do tend to popcorn less but I have to say that tonight Connie (who is well over 4) was popcorning around her fresh hay. It was lovely to see.
That is so lovely to hear.
As piggies get older and bigger they do tend to popcorn less but I have to say that tonight Connie (who is well over 4) was popcorning around her fresh hay. It was lovely to see.
Oh, how wonderful.
Your girl must be very happy indeed.
Today my kids said that owning guinea pigs was better than television :))
Young guinea pigs popcorn and zoom most; but some piggies continue until old age while others just concentrate on eating and sleeping while they get older...

This is my 3 year old ex-breeder boar Carwyn discovering the joys of of space after spending most of his life in foot square breeder box. He had to learn first what running was!

This my little foster piggy Nimue who came here after she survived a near fatal stroke and a massive eye infection, which left her with a head tilt and one sided blindness. Sadly, she had more strokes not long after this video and had to be pts, but as you can clearly see, her disabilities have not kept her from enjpying life in between!

Here is a video of my nearly 8 year old lady Mali, who was by then totally blind with advanced cataracts and a bit stiff from arthritis, but who retained her joi de vivre until she died in may last year. Just two day before her passing, she'd discovered a new loop on the roaming floor...
Wiebke's Tribe
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