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Jan 4, 2013
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My pig jumps around like he's overcome with energy...or he's expressing himself through the medium of interpretive dance. The best one he does it take off like a jump jet from a standstill. I can see how new owners would think it is a fit of some sort, will have to start videoing some of his best moves. Does anyone else wonder if their pig takes it to the extreme or any more experienced guys noted that some pigs are just expressive?
Medium of interpretive dance ;) hahahahahaha, yes my Billy has total spaz attacks as I call them constantly. Often from total stand still. He's a complete nutjob.

When it's breakfast or dinner time are his best performances, he goes into his own little world running up & down spazzing. It's the noises that complete the package, ;) haha
Medium of interpretive dance ;) hahahahahaha, yes my Billy has total spaz attacks as I call them constantly. Often from total stand still. He's a complete nutjob.

When it's breakfast or dinner time are his best performances, he goes into his own little world running up & down spazzing. It's the noises that complete the package, ;) haha

Yeah, George makes a 'woop!' noise and springs up or does his best rodeo bull impression and purrs.
LOL at interpretive dance- it does look like that! I do think it varies with the pig- I had one girl who was very 'expressive' this way- she would popcorn into walls, doors, other pigs, people's legs, etc. She was very active in general and pretty high-strung as far as temperament goes. Her name was 'Frenzy Popcorn' for this reason!
Hmm yes maybe it relates, my mental popcorner is a fiesty little man by nature!

Rodney still does small excited popcorns over food, but he's quite lazy they're only small now ;)
Going to get a new pig when a few concerns are cleared up, just hoping George hasn't gotten too boisterous for his own good...meaning he plays rough with us hopefully won't be too much for another smaller pig, charging around like a rhino and jumping on us with all his weight as part of his routine. What do others think?
:)) I love the thought of piggies expressing themselves through dance. I certainly think their character shows through when they popcorn. My Bea was 2 when I got her so about 4 now. She rarely popcorns but when she does it looks so restrained like she doesn't want to give away the fact that she's stupidly happy, always makes me chuckle as she can be snooty so I call her Queen Bea
interpretive dance! Excellent.

Carrot has never been much of a popcorner. We get the odd one, generally in the summer when they are out on the grass. Daisy popcorns randomly and for no reason. He is the most chilled out and lazy piggy ever and all of a sudden he leaps straight up in the air, does a wiggle and then starts running round like a loony.
So it seems I have a madman in the house, honestly George would put moshing metalheads to shame with his headbanging. Maybe he will mellow with age?
My Pecan is always pop Corning, it's the most funnies thing to witness because she's such a chill out Piggle. She'd pop corn run around like a maniac and start all over again. It's awesome to see such natural behaviour.
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