popcorning in their cage?

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Hey all,

Its the annoying person again lol. I was just wondering if you could tell me if it is possible for Pip and Squeak to start doing this is in their cage already. I heard little squeaks and saw them racing round their cage then all of a sudden Pip leapt into the air then raced round again. Squeak seems to jump a bit too but nothing like what Pip did it was so cute to see.

The cat wasn't in the room, Herbie was on the floor playing and I was sitting quietly watching TV so no harm was coming to either of them/

Can anyone give me a clue please as it would be great to know that they are happy after almost a week of being here.

Thanks x

From what you describe it would seem that they are popcorning in their cage. Spike was the first to do this after about 1 week and Smudge followed on behind after another week or so.

I have only had mine for just over a month so i am just learning myself

Take care

Terry-Ann x
Awwww it sounds like they are happy piggies bless them :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Its when they kinda jump up and down and shake in the air ;D ;D

Its something they do when they are happy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
oh thank god then I am actually doing something right what a relief.

Boys are now 7 weeks old and looking gorgeous, more pics as soon as i get a decent camera.
My boys popcorn in their cage too! Truffles always popcorn's when i have cleaned their cage out - the minute i put them back in they both go nuts jumping everywhere! ::) ;D
baby piggie said:
My boys popcorn in their cage too! Truffles always popcorn's when i have cleaned their cage out - the minute i put them back in they both go nuts jumping everywhere! ::) ;D

Just cleaned mine out, and they've just had a good pop corning session. A first for Harry. Nibbles does it quite alot. ;D ;D
It means they like what they see or are just happy and look as though they are having a fit ;D
Bless they are, my Honkey is also popcorning and he is 15 days old, he has been doing it for a few days.
I love watching mine popcorn its so cute :smitten: :smitten:they don't seem to do it in their cage though only when they are outside in their run.
YAYYYY popcorning happy piggies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
LOL wait for when they do the shake the head bit and then leap around, sooo funny to watch :D :D :D :D

i think our two were doing this last night.we keep them in the indoor hutch at night in the conservatory, they can see us through the kitchen window quite well when we are at the sink. they went beserk jumping squeeking running round cage? didnt know why, whitey got so hyper she lept into her hay holder (tried to anyway). then as quick as it started they stopped and started eating again.

maybe they approved of the green cabbage? maybe it was gas! ha ha ha

after i cleaned them out today, i put them back into the hutch and they started talking really loudly ,shuffled about and then went quiet. they are so funny.it made me laugh so much i thought they were havin a party in there.

they are so sweet and commical i love to watch them through the window.they are definatley settling in I'm sure. still a way to go but i think they are happier already. :smitten:
I wondered what it meant when they did this - although it did look like they were having a great time when they were doing it. Mine do it in the cage and loads when out running about! :smitten:
Rabbits do a similar thing called Binkying, when mne first did it I took them to the vet as I thought they had fleas, the vet thought it was hysterical.
My guineas do laps and popcorn whenever they see me lie down to sleep!
ours popcorn a lot but when we put them outside they dont do anything they sit in a corner together in their own wee and do nothing they seem to get more exersice inside in the cage where they are very active
Hi all

I must be really lucky as mine do it all the time. I really enjoy watching them too they can be so funny and cute. One of mine actually put his head down before popcorning and darting around so he is very funny.

xx :)
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